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*BanDs I SaW*

I was um, pretty young. and this was my first rock show ever. i was really excited becuz i would get to see hole who id been obsessing over for the longest time. anyways, my mom and me picked 3 of my friends (well, this chic and 2 of her bonehead pothead friends) up to begin the long drive from London ontario to Barrie ontario. It was really crowded when we got there. my mom dropped us off and we waited in the rain for about and hour to get in. chain smoking and feeling like pure shite. when we got in, the 2nd stage had started so we got in the front row for it. i was feeling pretty cool with my fake septum ring and newly developed smoking habit. i got laughed at by the girl who plays the violin (dont know her name) or it was one of those (ah, how cute!)smiles. i guess it was. anyways, they played pretty well, although ive never understood bands who have someone playing the violin or whatever in their bands becuz they sound NO different then they would if the violin werent there. but yeagh, they were good. after that we watched a talent show. i remember two things, this really old biker guy got on stage and sang some old song. at first people hated him, but he ended up winning, the second thing i remember is red pubic hair.(?) the we went to the main stage just as the mighty mighty bosstones were finishing. the jesus lizard came on. the mosh pit was just crazy. i wasnt about to go in it though, with my mary janes, leotards and plaid skirt, i simply watched the spectacle from afar. The singer was crazy! i remember he crowd surfed with the microphone, what a moving experience. they werent good enough for me to accualy learn their names though, so lets move on. i was pretty close to the front for beck. pretty close to my death, i wasnt wearing any shoes becuz when i pogoed theyd get stuck in the mud. this left me with a bruised tendin. it hurt bad! also, i got wiplash and fell. but thats cool becuz some nice lollagoers picked the youngen up. youngen being me. their was this whole family vibe going on. it was so great! but anyways, beck was really good, worth near death experiences. then elastica came on, i had moved, being the smart child i was, further back. god elasticas so amazing! cant help but love them. but oooohhhhh shocker of the day, during elasticas set, i happened to look up to the side steps to see courtney love looking in the direction of the circle-jerk-off-beating that was going on around me!!! i was more than happy. this made my day fully! after elastica was pavement, a pretty cool badn if you would ask me! i took a picture of them with my little hot pink mcdonalds camera, why? well, i wasnt really big on pavement back then, but i saw kim gordon peeking out from behind a wall. snap- snap. but pavement was good, a little boring, but good. next came cypress hill which was who all of the dumb0dumb0heads i was with wanted to see. i stood by the fence with all of these scrappy mohawk kids. steve shelly walked by me, i just stared. when sonic youth finally finished, i ran to the mosh pit with great excitement at what awaited me. Hole. the band i worshipped with all of my little 12 year old heart was taking the stage. later on my friends said this was the roughest mosh pit of the night but i didnt even notice it. strange. they played amazingly. it was a really great show! i took a picture of them during best sunday dress. but i had to leave, i had to force myself to leave. i ended up leaving about a half an hour too late, right after violet. i couldnt find my friends anywhere, and wandered out into the dark, parking lot. i was guided ny drown soda to the two meatball heads, the girl though, had gone back to look for me. my mom was supposed to be picking us up. eventualy we did get back home. but not poor lesley. shes still stuck there somewhere! oh! LaRa pLAnT*

