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This is an article on the weekend from scene magazine. it came with a picture but you know me with my computer eliteracy. anyways, its the scene with girls against boys on the cover, pick it up.

With Spice-mania doing for little girls what Hulk-a-mania once did for teenage boys, it should surprise no one that every musical group with a pretty girl or two in it will inevitably be compared to this years favorite flavor. That kind of attention can be a little irritating,especialy if the band in question accualy has a bit of talent to accompany its sexy exteriors. But what is a band to do? For most, the answer is to dismiss the comparisons as foolish pigeon holing by ignorant press weasels. However, there is another way-----the way of the weekend.

Fronted by two extremely attractive, very young women, this London area quartet takes such silly comparisons with more grace than they probably deserve. rather than whine about the inevitable, Lorien Bethenjones, Andrea Wasse, Clay Corneil, and Link Cushman have chosen to embrace some of the fun aspects of the seasoned spices. In fact, they have incorporated the girls current hit "stop" into their own healthy stable of sugar-coated indie pop originals. Surprisingly, the spice girls cover accualy fits within the perameters of the bands club repertoire.

The resemblance does not just start with "stop", the weekend also known for their use of mini-skirts and make-up. However, as with everything else about this band, expectations of exploitation are quickly replaced with the knowledge that the whole show is just that-a show. The result is a somewhat skewered view of the band that sees itself as more playful than sexual, and definitly more innocent. After a weekend show, one walks away with the kind of smile provoked by watching a baby sister play dress up. While talking to the band, it quickly becomes clear that their enthusiasm for rock runs as deep as their love for play. Amid a cacphony of non-sequiters from "nutty" keyboardist Cushman, the rest of the band rambles off a history of learning to play their instruments on the fly. Since they came togethor a few years back, the band has been keenly aware of the dangers of not being taken seriousley, or worse still, dismissed as a novelty. "Were defintily serious about it" says bethenjones, "But its not like we want to go onstage and say were so deep, its all about having fun." And fun is what bethenjones and crew are definitly all about. When I asked her what sums up their drive to play and record, bathenjones can hardly contain her mockery for some of rocks well-worn cliches. "We just live to rock, and we rock to live." When the laughter finally subsides, the tone changes slightly and a true explanation comes forth, "We try really hard not to come across as a very serious band. We dont want to be one of those bands that plays around and just takes themselves so seriousley. But I wouldnt want people to think of us as goofy either." Of course, if they ever wanted to become that "goofy band" all they would have to do is follow the advice of cushman, "We had this idea for a weird little off-shoot band called the new velocity go. It would be a totally exploited plastic band. I mean they would just be so completely honest about being exploited." Corneil (playing abbot to Cushmans Costello) takes the description a step further, "We would be like the spice girls with Phillit Glass working for them." While the final flight of fancy seems rather far fetched, the weekend are sure to continue as the one, refreshingly saucy ingrediant in Londons rock 'n' roll stew.

-------Aiden Crawford
