aka RuddyItch (hate to give away her disguise but some bubbles need to be popped). I've known her since about yr 9 when she first came to Hollywood SHS. She keeps tellin me that when she was first introduced to me she was kinda scared of me coz she'd never met anyone so shy!

She's a huge flirt and is always up to something embarrassing...and she never seems to stop talking, hehe. She's sooo cute (quoted from a Mr Hott Todd Condom)...lmao...don't hit me claud :P

Hmm lemme think wot else...i really should mention all the "Claudias" (is wot we call all the really stupid thingz she does...) but if i did she'd cut me up into steak sized pieces and feed me to her chickens, hehe, besides...it'd take me forever to type!

She's a real party animal..lol, cept her daddy wont let her out much so we have to sneak her out. Oh and i must add, she's very sexually perverse, lol.

Claudia's email addy: RuddyItch@hotmail.com
Her iCQ number: 40579331
and you can find her on Yahoo Pager as: RuddyItch
Visit her homepage:

.friends main.