Ming :)

aaw ming...lol she'd prolly get maaad if she knew this was up..but it's cute innit :)

Ming has been a friend of mine since year 9 (blimey, that was 3 yrs ago!) and we've always gotten along okies. She's a smart little cookie...and wore greeeaaat clothes until she turned gothic, but even now she still wears coolie clothes. Since last year she's become increasingly more gothic, and i'm not surprized if that change was at all influenced by Rebecca and David (ppL i'll talk about later)...who she now sits with instead of us :/ But anyway..this girlie has one wild imagination and she's got a wonderful ability to not hold grudges against people! :) Actually.. we haven't seen much of Ming lately.. she's drifted away... hmm. More on this later i think.

.friends main.