aka Helium Wuxley, Bootie Ardross and numerous other thingz... Also my best friend...tho not fer as long as Claud. He has the most erotic wardrobe, the height of 60s 70s and 80s fashion, he owns the largest pair of flares this side of town, and his 80s style cut off jeans rilly turn MrsC on... (so much so she cant stand to seem him wearing them & so told him never to let her see him wearing them again!).

Will's a right lunatic and i guess that's wot makes him fun to be around...Ohhh and b0y does he get around!! From Olivia(bag o' bones), Jessica Lane, Lauren Hudson, Laura...and..need i say more?

Besides that, half the school believe he's 'with' Claud at the mo...but really they just enjoy abit of slap&tickle every once in a while, dont we all?! lol

Hmmmm this is when we were suppose to be working on our history assignment... We got heaps done..lol

Will's email addy: foolishgoose@excite.com
His iCQ number: 37646401

.friends main.