School Friends
I dont mean to make this soppy or anything but it's turned out that way a bit.. it's your damn fault! i love ya'll too eeww. :P

Claudia| William| Manouri| Amanda| Ming| Laura| Megan| Chris| Kate|
(Also Catherine, Jemma, Kate K., Ellie, Kerry, Anne, Jane, Kim, Kelly, Rob, Shane, Michael and the rest of you lot :P )

Net Friends

Well I've had the internet for nearly 4 yrs now I think, and in that time i've made a lot of friends. Of course the internet never stops moving fast and people come and go as often as William changes his underwear (not all that often, but often enough!). I guess it's difficult to keep up with everyone, and people can disappear as quickly as they appeared. However, my closest friends (in real life) have and always will be here for me. There are a few people in particular who i'm sure will always be here for me aswell.. even though they're on the other side of the world, they still mean an awful lot to me(you know who you are):P
Then of course there are the friends i met from online, but they live a little closer to home. My favourite is Kerrrin :D hehhe, he's gotta be my first best internet friend and a few years ago, the other side of Australia was pretty damn far away *S* but we used to talk on the phone prolly once a week. A few months ago I finally had a chance to meet him and he's the greatest! And of course there's Andy, E, Kalu, Eden, and the rest of ya who live in my own wonderful city, lol. My point is (well there wasn't posed to be a point but there is now..)that distance may or may not affect the sincerity and strength if friendships. People like Claudia, Will & Manouri mean the world to me.. but so do the rest of ya.. damn buggers i can't keep away from the internet coz of you :P
mmhh.. yer okies nuff of that stuff, i'm embarrassing myself :)