I think discussion of certain aspects of the year 2000 problem, for instance "how we expect the Constitution to survive", will be very valuable. I think an informative discussion on the "National Emergency" provisions of the Constitution, and the laws which are currently in place (supposedly under the Constitution) will be very important. For instance, what currently happens to the Constitution when a nuclear attack happens or is suspected to soon happen?
Under current laws, the entire Constitution can basically be thrown out the window WHENEVER A NATIONAL EMERGENCY IS DECLARED. Many laws are on the books (laws passed by Congress, as well as executive orders) Which specify such things as:
In times of Emergency the federal government shall be able to:
-Seize all communications media in the United States.
-Seize all electronic power, fuels, minerals, both public and private.
-Seize all means of transportation, including personal cars, trucks, or vehicles of any kind and total control over all highways, seaports and water ways.
-Seizure of ALL AMERICAN PEOPLE for work forces under federal supervision, including the splitting up of families if the government has to.
I MUST STOP RIGHT HERE AND ASK A REQUEST OF YOU. No doubt most of what I am saying will come as a surprise to you. And if you don't believe a word of what I am saying, I can understand. I laughed it off when the first few adults at my church started talking about it. But please at least check it out, or at least give me the opportunity to respond to your critical questions.
The year 2000 problem will be exactly the sort of thing that each of these executive orders was planned for. I think it is incredibly important that we realize what is going to happen.
David Eastman is the Vice-President of the Center for American Freedom.