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August 16, 1998 - August 30, 1998



Hehe...They Let Me Drive Over There!




What a great little car to drive, a SEAT Cordoba. The license plate was NOT an omen..."maybe oh oh". And the price was right too..just over $550.00 Cdn for 2 weeks. The cheapest price my travel agent could get was almost 4 times that. If you're looking for a rental car in Gotenburg, look up Mabi Rent, great people to deal with too. This car just fit the bill, let me go at 140 kms on the highway and just a little slower with no problems to get through all the little country roads. (shhh don't tell Peter at Mabi Rent!)So, I left the airport and got to Gotenburg and picked up my car, and headed out to the wilds! Shortcut? Did someone say shortcut?












What's at the End of the Shortcut?













There's A Road Up There?








After recuperating from my near-shortcut-dip into the awaiting lake at the bottom of the hill, I made it to Trollhattan, I'm sure by far the most beautiful little city in this part of the country. If you look hard enough, you can see the road winding up the side of the mountain, its hidden - you'll have to look pretty hard to see it! Believe me, its there, I drove it! This road brings you down into the heart of the downtown part of the city...where all the action is!






I Made It To The Top - Kopparklinten


So, here I am driving along with traffic, can't read a road sign, but this direction feels good, so why not. The scenery was breathtaking, a little like Northern Ontario but much more extreme. I managed to find all the little sideroads my heart desired. Til I found this one. The road was just barely wide enough for my little car, and full of hairpin turns...very exhilerating! Til traffic started coming the other way. Another 22 kms of this, come around a bend in the road at 80 kms....and this is where the shortcut ended...abruptly!






Cupper Hill. About a third of the way down the mountainside road, there is a small parking area tucked into the roadway. There's just enough room there for about 4 or 5 small cars to park. From this point, there is a paved pathway that leads back up to a lookout point with a terrific panoramic view! The day was a little hazy, but still an amazing view from up here!








And To The Left...Olidestationen !










Turning about 45 degrees to the left, this is the view from the very same vantage point. Now, the Goose is deathly afraid of heights! Don't ask me how I managed to get up here, I was being brave. This is a hydro station. Its over 100 years old, and is still in service. There are guided tours of the inside of the plant (which I happened to miss) during the summertime. I'm told that the salmon fishing just in front of the plant is very good - which, of course, I also managed to miss...maybe next time :-)







Another Fountain!








This fountain is just outside the downtown corridor in the river. Quite close to the fountain there is a large map of the City, put there several years ago. It seems that very few of Trollhattan's citizens even know about this map. I found it very helpful, and not the least bit confusing, however some inhabitants confuse this map with the map in the middle of the walkway downtown. The nicest thing about the fountain was seeing all the Canada Geese hanging around with their little goslings - it reminded me of home!






NO...This is NOT the new Queen of Hearts 88 !!









Anyone who knows the gg00se, knows of my affection for race/stock cars. On the way to Stockholm on Saturday morning, there was this nice little distraction! From the size of the parking lot, its very popular in Sweden - something called Folkrace. This is where everyone can partake in the wonderful world of racing. The track, as you can see, is dirt and is somewhat shaped in a figure 8. No four corners for these folks! The driver of this car is Maria Buhr - you go girl! It was a lot of fun to watch. The weekend in Stockholm was amazing - especially since my camera decided to quit working! And if you're looking for a B&B close to Stockholm - I recommend Guni Backen :-)








Hindasgarden Sports & Conference Hotel











The last few days in Sweden I stayed at the Hindasgarden Sports and Conference Hotel - very busy place for being out in the middle of nowhere. Its just a little south of the Gotenburg airport, and in the middle of beautiful countryside of Hindas. All around the complex for miles, there are lakes and places to relax and just enjoy the scenery - a nice change from the hustle and bustle of Gotenburg. Right in the backyard of the Sports Complex, and right outside my window, stands the wooden frame of a huge ski jump! And the food was incredible...a little pricey, but what the heck, I'm worth it (lol)





So Hard to Say Goodbye










The time finally came when I had to say goodbye to Sweden. This is the Gotenburg Airport at 10:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning - not as busy as I had expected! I stayed the night before at the Gotenburg Airport Hotel right across the road from the airport - again a little pricey but the room and the service were excellent. Typically Swedish! The floor of the airport is all hardwood and in the most beautiful condition. Yes, that is an airplane hanging from the ceiling! I managed to scour the duty free shops for my wooden horses that I had been searching for...they sit in my china cabinet and bring back such wonderful memories...







Thanks folks, I had a great time!