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Scenes from Waswanipi !









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Ahhh, September - no snow but very long shadows of Fall. Scene from our balcony looking out onto Pine Street
But wait...beginning of October and we're snow-covered already. Again, looking out onto Pine Street
A pic of our wee livingroom - computer room - dining room. Piggie was an exceptional passenger - however, she growls now whenever she sees a U-Haul truck!
  Yes, Virginia....Waswanipi has a Santa Claus Parade and it passed right by our balcony.
Forestry Camp on the Ottereyes' ground. This is where 80 forestry workers eat and sleep year 'round. They do go home for weekends! ...After successfully scaling the stairs and finding my way onto the deck, I turned around and quite suddenly my breath was taken away. (caution: wide picture!)

Cree Nation's Comfort Inn! No, really this is a picture from the summer Gathering at Old Waswanipi Post!


This is a wide pic of the Old Waswanipi Post showing the Hudsons Bay Company buildings and the infamous Cherry Hill :-)
Delivered by Doctor D in a green garbage bag, this was my first gift of moose. The taste is very rich and full-bodied. It's very tender and makes a stew like nothing much better than beef :-) Well, it took a couple of attempts to get the pastry just right - but finally moosemeat pie!
Some folks might find this distasteful, so there is no preview. Click at your own risk. The taste of beaver is similar to pork, the meat tends to be greasy. The tail is tucked inside the chest cavity before cooking, which is quite a delicacy Guess who is the apple of my eye! This is a pic of the Bear and the gg00se :-)
One of the Bear's Dens, high on a mountainside This is a new style cabin. Doctor D's cabin is right beside the rapids. The road is deep with ruts and very narrow, but worthwhile the drive :-)
This is the gg00se many moons ago in the computer room.