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The Ork was getting bored of Guard duty - 3 weeks he'd been on night watch and all because he got caught stealing some of the Nob's Fungus Brew. He paced up and down as Badfang the Nob walked past to try and make himself look busy. As the Nob disappeared he sat back down on a tree stump which was sticking out of the boggy ground - marking the edge of treadable land.

He stared into the darkness - wondering just how deep the water in front of him really was - but was un-willing to find out. Was it deep enough to swim in he thought? - pondering the possibility of escaping his duty.

Just then he got his answer - what looked like a living shadow burst out of the water - and a moment later he was dead - garrotted silently by the shadowy figure.

As the figure crept silently through the marshy ground, no-one noticed as the ork sentry's body disappear into the mud of its own accord. Having made his way around the camps edge and killed two more guards - the figure set off a flare. Suddenly, as the bright light lit up the black sky, the silence of night was broken by the sounds of massed engines. The figure disappeared into the shadows as Orks ran wildly about the camp - trying desperately to find out what was happening without slipping into the unknown depths above which they had slept. The lights from the watch tower swept past.

As suddenly as the sound had erupted - the origin of it was apparent. Three large vehicles appeared from the marshy horizon of the night. Three beastly machines, guns blazing and the sound of rushing air all around them.

Badfang gripped his shoota and flexed his hand inside the Nob armour. Such an attack he had never seen before. The vehicles were all different - almost ramshackle - almost worthy of the work of a mek. Was this truly the 'ummies - or was there something else on the planet upon which they prayed? The hatches opened and ramps revealed troops poring from the bows of the vehicles. Each was clad in Dark black and Brown camouflage which blended with the area and each carried a Lasgun in the same colours. They looked human - but Badfang found it hard to believe the irregularity of the vehicles within which they had arrived.

He hadn't much time to ponder this thought - as soon the heat of battle was upon him. Hacking with his power fist and shooting madly at the attackers he became convinced that they were indeed Humans - the ease with which they could be dispensed with in close combat proved that.

In amongst the fury of the fight, Badfang noticed a small boat pull up 500m to the north of his position. Five shadowy figures emerge from it. They were clad differently to the rest - each carrying a pack and they didn't appear to even have Las-guns. As he was about to go after the newly sighted enemy he was jumped upon by another Human - frenzied in the heat of combat.

Badfang finished off his opponent with one well placed shot to the head from his shoota and turned to face the new-comers once more - but they were not there. They couldn't have vanished - he ran to where the boat had been but there was no trace of anything having ever been there. He searched the area, but to no avail. In anger he turned once more to re-join the fight. No sooner had he started to make his way back then another flare went up from one of the strange vehicles.

As quickly as they had arrived, the Humans left - disappearing back into the vehicles from which they had first appeared, which turned, almost hovering over the marsh, and disappeared into the night.

Badfang surveyed the remains of the camp - dead Orks lay there, sinking slowly into the mud where they had fallen. Dying Humans were gladly finished off by the orks who remained.

The shadowy figure emerged for the first time since the Humans had arrived on the scene. He made his way back to the waters edge - avoiding detection all the way. Lowering once again the mask over his head he slipped into the muddy depths, watching the orks collecting up the wounded as he slowly sank.

Then he dived deeper, past the mat of vegetation which lay on the surface and away. As he surfaced for the first time, 200m from the camp, he raised his hand out of the water and pushed the button.

Back at the camp Badfang was staring out over the Moonlit landscape when he saw a tiny red light in the distance - before he had time to react he heard the result. The explosions behind him explained it all. As the supply dump on the far side of the camp exploded and burned he knew where the five figures he had seen had gone. The 'Umans had lost many of their men, but had succeeded on wiping out the resources for over 1,000 Orks. He had been tricked! The whole thing - the machines arriving so suddenly, the battle, the sudden departure of the force - it was all a distraction! He would get his vengeance on the Humans some day he vowed.

Having watched the destruction of the dump from the distance, the figure once again ducked under the surface and made his way back to the Forward base.
"Mission accomplished Captain. Supply dump destroyed. The new vehicles worked excellently - My commendations to the Men who designed them."
"Good Work - again we have beaten the odds and destroyed the immediate threat - now we must move on to another position and do it again, and again, and again, until all of the Greenskins are dead - Get to work men - and well done."

That was the first assault carried out by the Specialist Units on the Western Continent - Divers and HoverTanks working in unison to great affect. - These units will be coming soon to this site!!
