This page HAS BEEN UPDATED!!! The Black Orc Big Boss was being painted purely as the paint dried on my WET EPIC (an other SECRET) models so may take quite a while to actually be completed and posted up on the site.
Below is the picture from the first stage - With Brazen Brass discs and Dark Angel flesh painted on. Come back soon to see how NOT to paint a Black orc!!
WOW! - An Update!!
Actually this is less of an update and more of a completion of the page. I know I said that the model was only being painted during the times when the paint was drying on my other projects but I got carried away with it! (Surprised? No I didn't think you would be!). Each of the sections below have pictures and a brief description of the changes from the previous section. Click on the images to see the full sized versions.
The update at this stage was simply the painting of all of the armour sections on the Model. I drybrushed the chainmail with Mitheril Silver - dead easy to do and almost always looks great! The armour plates and Axe heads were panted with Boltgun Metal - I prefer the slightly dimmer look of this on open areas compared to the other Silver options that were available. The chains and the Skull Emblem under the Models chin were drybrushed with Mitheril Silver in the same way as the chainmal was.
The next stage was to add a bit of the detail to the model.
The major change was the painting of the Horns on His Helmet. I did these by working my way from Dark Flesh all the way up to Bleached bone at the tips. However I got disturbed whilst applying the final layer of Bleached bone and thus the Right Horn became a disaster area. The plan had been to then use Chestnut wash to tie all of the colours together but I felt something more was needed to cover up the bad mistake on the right. I decided that a decent coat of Brown wash was probably the best way to go. It worked well - better than it appears in the photo. The other Horn was washed in Chestnut was as was the original plan.
At this stage I also added a Flesh wash to the recesses on the armour plates to give them a slightly rusted look. It is my opinion that no self respecting Black Orc would go to war in a perfect suit of armour - it wouldn't prove any experience for starters!
The only other things to be done was the basic painting of all the teeth and nails with Bronzed flesh, and painting the spike on his helmet in Brazen brass which I had missed in the previous stages.
I have to admit that a couple of stage have been missed out here. I forgot to scan the model when I meant to - sorry!
The differences here are - errm - everything!! The two pictures here show the model as he is now (other than a couple of very minor touch ups).
So? What's changed? Firstly all of the Bone areas (skulls on axes etc.) on the model were painted. Basic coats of Bronzed flesh, followed by a wash in a mix of Flesh wash and Chestnut wash and finished of by drybrushing in Bleached bone and Skull white. Unfortunately the finished effect could be said to not be worth all of the effort but firstly it does look better in real life and secondly I've got in to the habit now!
Secondly I painted the Axe handles and the glove on his right hand. The Axe handles were done in regal blue and washed in Sky Blue Ink. The Glove was undercoated with 2 coats of blood red, then red wash, and then slight highlights with Blazing Orange.
I then added sight highlights to the armour plate sections with Mitheril Silver and drybrushed the Skull Emblem on the Helmet.
I put two coats of Orc Flesh wash over all of the Open areas of skin to make the flesh really dark. It was then highlighted with Goblin green, and up to a very light drybrushing of Skull white on the face to pick out more of the detail. The Boots were painted in Vomit brown with a wash of Chestnut brown and highlighting the fur sections in Vermin Brown. The Metal caps and heels were painted with Boltgun Metal, ad given an Armour wash.
Then The finishing touches! Most of which were red! I firstly painted the eyes with Blood red (Quite hard with a size 1 brush!). Then I broke out the Blood - applying Red wash to most of the Axes as you can see, and also a bit on the models right metal toe-cap - to make it look as though he had been in bitter hand to hand - lashing out and kicking all over the place!
The Last thing to be done was to remove the base that he had been standing on and replace it with a pin up his right foot.
For the reason as to why the Pin was added, click HERE!!
The Rest of Weird World
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