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My Miniatures Gallery (2)

So - you came back for more heh? I am impressed! As for improving skill with time - not on this site! Theres more of the same here - ENJOY! Again, click on the images to see the Fuller Picture.


 First on this page we Have my Slaver for GorkaMorka. He runs the Grots into battle for my Mektown Mobsters. So far they have never lost a battle! We have drawn close on two occasions, but never a defeat. The Mob also consists of two scratch built vehiles (Both massive!), and the usual quota of Orks, spannerz and the rest. I hope soon to have some pics on here of at least the vehicles, if not more of the troops



By now you should have realised that, despite my Imperial appearance within the rest of the site - I have plenty of Evil blood running in my veins (don't tell the inquisition!) . Here we see three of my 15 gobbo Fanatics from my vast WHFB Orc and Goblin army.


On the right is whirling Dervish - he deserves a special mention as he has single handidly killed over 75 Empire troops alone in his career! (OK - so thats over a lot of battles)

On with the WHFB mini's here - and a rank and file gobbo. As has every gobbo commander - I have hundreds of these (unlike most though - this for me means literally hundreds!). Therefor it is not painted to a great standard even for me - I don't think it is needed in such large regiments for them to look good.


Back to my Epic Mini's here (someday I will get them into some sort of order!) with a conversion I was very proud of at the time. This is my mounted Librarian for My Emperor's Eagles Chapter. Since making this I have done a number of similar pieces - but being the first this is my favourite.

It is (obviously) based on an Epic 40K Space Marine Bike model, from which I removed the rider carefully. Then I chopped a Librarian in half to give me the main section of the rider to be. The Librarian model as it comes on the sprue has an awkward left arm to use in conversions such as this so I simply removed it with the legs (but leaving the arms shoulder pad with the upper body. The staff's shaft was shortened so that the rider could hold it without it looking un-natural (Such a long staff would be impractical on a bike).
The arm which I had chopped off along with the rest of the body was then used to put back into the final model. I very carefully cut it away from the rest of the legs, shaping the side which was in the body as I went. bent everso slightly this was then glued back onto the shoulder pad as though it was from a totally different model!
As a final touch I made the skirt type thing (tell me if it has a real name!) from the original Librarian into a little Honour Badge which I attatched to the front of the Bike. A quick coat of paint to the bike, and Black armour for the rider so's he stood out more and it was done!


To end with, I thought I would just do one last picture. You are no doubt wondering how the hell I can afford all of these mini's. Well here is my answer - I Make my own money! (don't go telling anyone OK?):

Ha ha ha - Bad Joke I know but I had less pics here than on the other page and had to fill it!!

For those of you who may not know - this is an English £10 note - equivilent to about US$16 - oh - and thats my head in there - Our queen (stupid as she may be) doesn't look quite like that!

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