My Miniatures Gallery (3)
This page of the Gallery contains some of my non-Citadel models which I have collected many of over the years. They are generally not up to the same standard as some of the Citadel ones because they were (on the whole) painted previous to the Citadel Models you have already seen.
Above here we have 3 of my 100 strong Modern troops Unit. These are 1/35 scale. They are the kind I always had as a kid - tacky plastic (cheap) ones that I found under my bed in a box and decided to paint them up. The bases were really tacky - and they were too light for the models (so they always fell over) so, as you can see here, I cut off their original bases and replaced them with old coins (English Penny's). I have scratch built a Landing craft to go with them, but unfortunately it won't fit on the scanner!
And, To stick to a theme for a change, here are some of my smaller (1/72) troops painted up for arctic combat. In the Enlarged photo you can see the same models but also painted for Jungle combat. (assuming that classifies as painting of course!)
Just so you don't think I'm getting all organised in this section, I'm going now to jump back to Citadel Miniatures. Here we have one of my converted GorkaMorka truks, shown here carrying two Grots into battle across the open expanses of the scanner. Shouting their war cries, they are ready to engage the arctic troops still lined up at the other end (they're 1/72 - The Grots MAY be in with a chance!!).
OK so at the top of the page I said these were not going to be Citadel Miniatures - well, I have discovered that most of my other models are either craply painted or just plain boring to look at. This was the next best thing - a Lead Belcher from my Fantasy Orc and Goblin Horde. This model is OOP and out-ruled from the Army Lists due to the fact that gobbo's don't have gunpowder. Its as close to not being Citadel as you can get with a Citadel Miniature (I think).
For the penultimate time in the gallery - Feel free to keep browsing through my models or go to the rest of the site using the links below.