How We Operate
The Mektown Mobsters operate
like all good Ork Mobs should.
At any point, the Ork (or sufficiently
Orkish paleskin) whoom I deem to be the hardest is the Mob's Nob (leader
for those of you who are not familiar to GW's terminology).
My standards for becomming
a new Nob are based on a number of conditions including:
A) Strength
B) experience points not used
C) Total experience points
D) Hand to hand Skills
When the time comes for me
to loose my current role as Mob Nob (no jokes please!) , I will remain
as an advisor to the Nob - effectively on equal terms as him for the purpose
of keeping the Mob a fair community (for Orks that is!).
At any point you may also challenge
the existing Nob to a fight for leadership. This must be done using only
Hand to hand weapons.
BE WARNED: Loosing a
fight for leadership may have consequences such as immidiate challege by
myself, or another member of the Mob. However, a sucessfull fight for leadership
wil gain you great honour, reputation, and the fear of all your enemies.
If you have any queeries as
to how the MEKTOWN MOBSTERS Operate as a gang in Hive War, Please E-mail
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