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General WET EPIC Rules

Unlike most other rules which I have seen around the NET about introducing water Units into the game of Epic - I am trying to keep them as simple as possible, and basing it strongly on the systems used for the land combat we all know and love. I have seen sites where they have introduced New ramming values, special rules for using sails and loads of other bits which I think (personally and no offence to those who have written the other rules intended) are not needed.

My Rules Basically work like this:

Shooting is the same - Water units can shoot land units and vice versa - dead easy! (there is one exception to this I can think of but that is a single specialist unit and they haven't been published yet!)

Assaulting Is the same! (complicated so far isn't it!). There is going to be one new special ability introduced alongside the publication of the Ork Fleet but none at the moment!

Movement is almost the same. Rules for movement are detailed HERE. I would advise that if you plan to use water based units in the game then it is essential that you read these rules - they clear up (some would say create) a lot of the queries I have had about movement!

Basically these rules simply enable battles to take place over watery areas, with the options available to mount quite spectacular Amphibious landings to positions where your enemy felt sure they were completely safe. The plan was always to make a simple and useable expansion to the existing game - and to avoid creating a new one which simply took place on the same table. Soon I will be adding a selection of Scenarios in which these units can be played to their full advantage. As ever - Watch this space!!

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