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『カオス*ヴォックス』は、6人の楽士がさまざまな復元古楽器や世界の民族楽器を操り、中世ヨ−ロッパの旋律やケルトをはじめとする各地の民謡などをテーマに演奏する、世界的にも希有な存在のアコースティック・グループです。素材となるメロディも、何千年、何百年という年月を歌い継がれてきた美しく力強いものばかり。どのライヴでも、年齢を問わず広い層に受け入れられるのも道理です。特に、予備知識のない幼児やお年寄り等は直感的に 心と躰で、また一般的にはその珍しい楽器群の姿や音に、音楽好きの人々はそこここにちりばめられた多様な音楽的要素で、一方若者たちはそのサウンドや心躍るビートに。それぞれ異なった観点から楽しむことができるのが特徴です。

The CHAOS*VOX has a very characteristic style with its performance.
It is one and only Trans-Era Pops Band, indeed.
They are using a lot of musical instruments that produce
acoustic, dear, healing, heart-warming and exotic sounds.
Some of those instruments are historical stuffswhich are restored to the original state,
as Crummhorn and Gemshorn, Zink, Sackbut,Shawm, Hurdy Gurdy, Bagpipes, and so on.
Most of their musical sources are pickedand chosen from huge stocks of
European Medieval and Renaissance melodies.
Nevertheless that sound comprises many kinds of elements and types of music.
Not a few listeners of their music are once really confused
because they wouldn'trecognize what kind of genre,
what kind of style these music are. It sounds like veryancient tunes,
or otherwise literally contemporary and pop music.
The CHAOS*VOX is a very unique musical group, members are all versatile musicians,
and therefore the music of CHAOS*VOX will be widely accepted by music lovers.