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Samuel Thomas DAVIS

Samuel was the son of Monroe and Sarah (MCHENRY) DAVIS, and brother of William Monroe DAVIS, Thersia Ellen (DAVIS) GOODALE and Alva (BIRCHFIELD/DAVIS) BRADFORD; Sam's 1st wife was Mary Jayne (JENKINS)and his children with her were Iris Emery, Eugene Victor and Mary Iva DAVIS.


Samuel's Family and Childhood

Prior to Samuel's birth his family lived at Plattsburg, Starfield and Greenfield, MO. The Monroe DAVIS family is listed in the 1870 Greenfield, (Dade County), Mo Census. His father was a carpenter. Samuel was 1 of 8 children born. He was 1 of only 3 children that still survived, as of 1900.

Samuel Thomas Davis was born July 24, 1876 in Missouri, to Monroe & Sarah (McHenry) DAVIS. (Exact place of birth is unknown). His father was born in Missouri in 1843 and his mother, IL, in 1844.

In 1880, Samuel was age 3 and listed with his family in the Silver Creek Township (Cowley County), KS Census. His father was a farmer. His siblings named were; Jesse, Thersia and William. Also living with them were Samuel's grandparent's, David and Elizabeth MCHENRY. A child named Madison DAVIS b in ILL abt 1866 did not appear on this census. It is assumed that, the child died between the 1870 and 1880 census enumeration's. Jesse DAVIS was b abt 1879 in KS and is believed to have died between 1880 and 1900.

Samuel's Adult Life, Wife and Children

Samuel went to old Oklahoma about 1892 and settled first near Kingfisher.

On May 1, 1901 Samuel married Mary Jayne (Jenkins). Both were residents of Lyons, OK Terr., (Woods County), OK. (About 4 miles south of Ames, OK). The marriage occurred at Hoyle, (Woods County), OK. The name Hoyle changed to Ames, Jan. 4, 1902. The Application, License and Marriage filings are in Enid, (Garfield County), OK.

February 5, 1902, Iris 'Emery' DAVIS was born to Samuel & Mary at Major County, Ames, OK.

In 1905 Mary Iva DAVIS was born to Sam & Mary (most likely at Ames, OK).

On March 23, 1909 Eugene Victor DAVIS was born at Ames, Woods Co, OK.

In 1912 Samuel's mother, Sarah (McHenry) DAVIS died and was buried at the Ames Cemetery.

In 1917 directory provides; Samuel T. DAVIS (Mary) salesman at Davis Manufacturing Co., Residence, 808 S. Grand, Enid, OK. His father, Monroe DAVIS boarded with him. Directory lists Sam's son; Emery DAVIS, clk Hirsch Bros., boarding at 808 S. Grand.

In 1918, a news article provides information re the death of Samuel's 13 year old daughter, who died of the Spanish Flu;
Bodies of Epidemic Victims Being Held at Undertakers

The body of Mrs. Amy COLE whose death occurred yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and that of little Mary Iva DAVIS who died yesterday also, are being held at the Henninger Royer Undertaking Parlors until burial Saturday. Today at noon will arrive the corpse of a Meno soldier boy by the name of DECKER, which is being accompanied by his wife and two officers from Washington D.C. Mr. Decker was also an officer at the time of his death. The deceased will be held at the Henninger Royer parlors until taken to Menlo, OK for burial.

Little Mary Iva DAVIS died on October 17, 1918 and was buried October 19, 1918 at the Enid Cemetery, (Garfield County), OK.

A 1919 Directory provides; Samuel T. & (Mary) DAVIS, driver Am. Ry Exp. Co., res. 1023 W Oklahoma Ave., Enid.

1921 and 1923; Emery DAVIS, clk S.T. DAVIS, boarded at 1023 W. Oklahoma Ave.

1925; Emery DAVIS, salesman Newman Merc. Co., boarded 1030 1/2 E Broadway. Eugene DAVIS, (son of Samuel) shipper Newman Merc. r. RFD.

January 24, 1925 Iris 'Emery' DAVIS (age 22) married to Grace Agnes (CORNISH) (age 22) at Ames, Major CO., OK. The marriage was joined by Elder, Mortimer M. ALDEN of the Waukomis Methodist Episcopal Church.
{Grace Agnes (CORNISH) DAVIS was born July 11, 1902 at Waukomis, OK to Boyd Lee and Sarah Elizabeth (COOLY) CORNISH}

1927; Grandson of Samuel & Mary DAVIS was born to Emery and Grace Agnes (Cornish) DAVIS on November 8th at Meeker, (Lincoln County), OK. The baby was named I. E. Monroe DAVIS.

"I.E. Monroe DAVIS"

January 3, 1929 Infant I.E. Monroe DAVIS died of Influenza/Pneumonia, at Waukomis (Garfield County), OK. He was 1 year, 1 month and 25 days old. He had been attended by Davis S. HARRIS, MD for 10 days.
A news article regarding the death provides;
I.E. Monroe DAVIS
, 14 months and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Emery DAVIS of Streeter, ILL, died Thursday morning at the Dick Cornish home west of Waukomis, the home of Mrs. DAVIS' father. The little one came here with his mother for a visit, and died after a brief illness.
Mr. DAVIS formerly was employed with the Newman Mercantile company here. He now is employed by the J.C. Penney company at Streeter.
Burial services will be held from the CORNISH home at 2 o'clock today. Burial will be in the Enid Cemetery.

June 1934; Wife of Samuel, Mary Jayne (Jenkins) DAVIS died at Boise City, OK of TB. Burial was at the Enid Cemetery June 18th, 1934.

A news article provides;
Mrs. Mary DAVIS
, 54 years old, a resident west of Enid many years, died Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in a sanitarium at Boise City.
Surviving her are her husband, S. T. DAVIS of the home seven miles west of Enid and two sons, Emery DAVIS of Enid and Eugene DAVIS of Wakita.
The body will be will be cared for by the Henninger Funeral home until funeral arrangements are made.

Also in 1934, Samuel's father, Monroe DAVIS died at age 91. Burial was at the Ames Cemetery (Major County), OK. (See Monroe DAVIS page for his Obit)

January 13, 1942, Samuel T. DAVIS married again, to Mrs. Jessie KENDRICK at Enid, (Garfield County), OK.

December 3, 1948 Samuel Thomas DAVIS died at his Enid home. His obituary is as follows:
, 72, died at his home, 423 North Fifth, following a lingering illness.
He was a native of Missouri and came to old Oklahoma in 1892, settling first near Kingfisher. In 1900 he moved to the Ames community and in later years he came to Enid, where he has since lived.
Mr. DAVIS was a grain buyer in most of the small towns near Enid. He was a member of the Central Christian Church.
Survivors include his wife of the home; two sons, Emery of Holdenville and Eugene of Chickasha; two grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Charley GOODALE of Elkland, MO., and a brother, W.M. DAVIS of Burden, Kans.
Services will be held at 4 pm Sunday in the Henninger-Allen funeral chapel with Rev. Ray E. SNODGRASS in charge. Burial will be in the Enid cemetery.


Note From Marilyn: ---
Your Sarah MCHENRY/MCHENDRY who married Monroe DAVIS is a sister to Samuel MCHENDRY who married Martha (Bet) BAILEY, who was a sister to my g-grandfather, George Hudson BAILEY. Martha (Bet) (BAILEY) MCHENDRY is buried in Ames, OK Cemetery also. ---Marilyn---

Enid Morning News Feb. 13, 1958 obit --

A resident of this community for the last 16 years, died at 7:20 Tuesday morning in Duncan. His death followed a sudden heart attack. He was 48 years old. Mr. DAVIS was born March 23, 1909 at Ames. His boyhood was spent in Enid and he finished school there. He later moved to Oklahoma City. Mr. DAVIS had been associated with the General Baking company as a district supervisor for the past 25 years. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge at Guthrie, a 32nd degree Mason of the Scottish Rite body at McAlester, and a member of the Epworth Methodist church at Chickasha. Surviving are his wife, Anne DAVIS, of the home; one daughter, Sally Anne DAVIS, of the home; one brother, I. E. DAVIS, of Denver. The funeral will be at 10 am today at the Epworth Methodist Church in Chickasha. Graveside commital services will be at 3 o'clock in the Memorial Park Cemetery in Enid, with the Rev. W. I. SMITH, Jr. officiating.

Eugene "Gene" Victor Davis
b. 3-23-1909 at Ames, Woods Co, OK
d. 2-11-1958 at Duncan, OK
Married Anna Elizabeth (GEIER) October 18, 1931
at Medford, Grant Co, OK
Buried at Memorial Park Cemetery, Enid, OK

Obit for Eugene DAVIS' wife --
Anna Elizabeth (GEIER) DAVIS
b. abt. 1909 at Wakita, Grant Co, OK d. Jan. 8, 1973 at Chickasha, OK buried Memorial Park Cemetery, Enid, OK.

Enid, OK newspaper obit -
Funeral services for Mrs. Anna Elizabeth DAVIS
, 63, of Chickasha, will be conducted at 10 am Wednesday in the Epworth United Methodist Church of Chickasha with Dr. Nuel CRAIN and Rev. Udell WOLFF officiating. Graveside services will be at 3 pm in Memorial Park Cemetery of Enid, under the direction of Brown Funeral Home. Mrs. DAVIS died Monday in Chickasha. She was born in Wakita, moving to Chickasha from Oklahoma City in 1941. She was preceded in death by her husband, Eugene, Feb. 11, 1958. Survivors are one daughter, Mrs. Fred E. BASSETT, Chickasha; three brothers, Frank and Carl GEIER of Wakita and Paul GEIER of Malvern, Kan; three sisters, Mrs. Al SMITH, Stillwater, Mrs. Emma HUNTER, Morristown, Pa; and Mrs. H. A. CAMPBELL, Enid; and two grandchildren.

I have recently become acquainted with more "Davis Cousins" (via Internet). They are descendents of this Samuel T. DAVIS line, through Emery DAVIS. Little baby I.E. Monroe DAVIS had a brother born some years later, (Bill) who has given us more DAVIS cousins! We share the same GG-Grandparent's, Monroe & Sarah (McHenry) DAVIS.


Follow the links below to Samuel's parents or siblings....stop back soon!

TO SAMUEL'S PARENTS...............

Monroe & Sarah (McHenry) DAVIS


His Brother, William M. DAVIS
His Sister, Thersia E. (Davis) GOODALE
His Sister, Alva (Birchfield) BRAFORD

Link to DAVIS Grave Photos at Enid Cemetery.....

DAVIS Grave Photos...Enid Cemetery