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1850 Henry Co. Kentucky Census;
Hammond Harrison, age 42 m born VA
E., age 36 f born KY
Moses, age 16 m born KY
*Benjamin, age 15 m born KY
Elizabeth, age 8 f born KY

Benjamin F. HARROD m Mary Ann (HUTTO)
April 24, 1856 at Howard CO., IN.
{I have obtained this Marriage Record}


1860 Tipton County, Prairie Twp, Indiana Census


Benjamin, 24, w, Farmer, $800/$200, b KY
Mary A., 21, b IN
Silena D., 3, w, b IN
Thomas, 1, m, b IN
Living with them, a relation to Mary Ann's Mother;
STILWELL James, 22, w, m, Day Laborer, $560, b IN


Cowley County, KS 25 Feb 1908
HARROD, Benjamin F. born 3 (or 4) Mar 1834
Franklin Co., KY, d. 24 Feb 1908,[bur. Union Cem.]
m in 1856 Kokomo, IN to Mary Ann (HUTTO),left ch.;
Tom [H.} & Mrs. W.H. Hudson, [7 ch. dec. including
George Frank & Vilena D. (Mrs. Merian H.G.)Thomas]

Benjamin F. HARROD, U, Co.H., 57th Ind. Inf.,
Rank In - Private, Rank Out - Sergeant
Winfield Daily Courier, Tues, Feb 25, 1908

Ben F. HARROD, of this city died Monday at the
National Hospital at Leavenworth, where he has
been several months. His son Tom HARROD, went up
Tuesday to bring the remains home. The deceased
was seventy four years old and was a native of
Franklin Co., KY, of the family of HARROD'S
contemporaneous with Daniel BOONE in the
settlement of that state. He went to Indiana when
a young man, and in the civil war served in one
of the Indiana regiments. In 1870 he moved with
his family to Cowley County and settled on a
claim near Tisdale where he lived until 1879,
when he moved to Winfield. He has lived here
since at 1017, or 1019 East Tenth Avenue. His
wife, son and daughter, Mrs. W.H. HUDSON, survives
him. For several years he has suffered acutely
with rheumatisim contracted in the war. Last
fall he went to the National Hospital, to the
services of which he was entitled by reason of
his military service.


Ben's wife, Mary Ann (Hutto).....

OBITUARY: Winfield Daily Courier, Fri Feb 14, 1919

Mrs. Mary Ann HARROD, a highly honored pioneer
woman of Cowley County since the early days,
died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Will H.
HUDSON, 1402 Manning Street, Friday morning
at five o'clock after a lingering illness of
several months duration. Mrs. HARROD lived an
exemplary life and was loved by all who knew her
and her death will be keenly felt by both old
and young. She was always affable and her
attractive smile with which she greeted friends
reflected truly her warm and sympathetic heart.
She was a lovely christian character of the old
fashioned type of wife and mother. She was a
faithful adherant to the Lutheran faith from
early life to her passing from earthly home to
her heavenly reward. A large circle of loyal
friends whose attachment has been the growth
of years will long remember "Grandma Harrod."
Mary Ann HUTTO was b in Kokomo, Ind. July 25,1831
{obit error, b 1840} and was 87 years, six months
and nineteen days old.
She was m to Benjamin F. HARROD in 1856 and
to this union were born nine children, seven
preceeding her in death. Mr. HARROD died ten
years ago. Two children, Thomas H. HARROD and
Mrs. W.H. HUDSON survive, and one sister, Mrs.
Kate CAMPBELL of Kokomo, Ind. In 1869, Mr & Mrs
HARROD moved to Kansas,locating on a farm near
Tisdale. Abt 36 years ago they moved to Winfield
where Mrs. HARROD resided until death. The funeral
will be held from the HUDSON home Saturday morning
at ten o'clock, conducted by the Rev. E.W. LUECKE,
pastor of the Baden Memorial Lutheran Church.


Benjamin & Mary Ann's son.....

OBITUARY: Winfield Courier, Mon Dec 27, 1937
Tom H. HARROD Passes, Venerable Pioneer Dies
at Daughter's Home of Pneumonia

Tom HARROD, venerable Winfield and Cowley Co.
pioneer died at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
J. Ernest MORRIS, at 5:30 Sunday morning. His
death was attributed to pneumonia and diabetes.
Had MR. HARROD lived until February 6 he would've
celebrated his eightieth birthday.
Thomas H. HARROD was b Feb 6, 1858 at Kokomo,Ind.
In 1868, Mr. HARROD migrated to Kansas with his
family and settled on a farm near Tisdale.
Shortly before his death, he and his wife had been
living on the same farm. He came into Winfield abt
two weeks ago when suffering with a severe cold
which later led to the fatal attack of pneumonia.

Came here in 1878

For ten years after arriving in Kansas, MR. HARROD
continued living on the farm and then moved to
Winfield. Mr. HARROD's first venture outside of
farming was as undersheriff of Cowley Co., which
office he filled for six years. Early in the
nineties Mr. HARROD began his work in real estate
around Winfield. About 1888, Mr. HARROD and the
late J.W. HANLEN entered into a real estate;
that partnership continued for some 30 years,
being dissolved at the time Mr. HANLEN retired.
The offices were located in the First National
Bank building, in three rooms on the first floor
of the building. The firm was considered one of
the most prosperous and one of the most dependable
businesses of the community in the early twentieth
century. After the retirement of MR. HANLEN his
shares were sold and since Sept 1, 1926-when
Earl HARTLEY bought part interest in the firm-
the old HARROD-HANLEN has been known as the
HARROD-HARTLEY Investment Company. Mr. HARROD was
a member of the Winfield County Commission at
the time the electric light plant was purchased.

Saw Winfield Develop
In his business activities, Mr. HARROD has
witnessed the growth of this city from a small
village. As a boy of ten he made trips into
town on rare occasions, but often enough to
watch the city grow. When a young man he moved
into the town and was closer to its developments.
His activities in the real estate sales of the
community kept him in close contact with the
city's life. His political interests-as county
undersheriff and city commisioner-added even more
to his interests in the city's welfare. The HARROD
family life, too, was one closely connected
with the city. On Feb 19, 1885, T.H. HARROD was
married to Fannie E. MABEE, who survives. To
this union two children were born, Nina (Harrod)
MORRIS, of this city and Le Roy of Los Angeles.
In Winfield the HARROD family home was at 1202
Millington, the present home of the daughter
and her family. The daughter has two children-
Ernestine and James-who are the only grand
children of Mr. HARROD. This family is prominent
in musical circles of the city. Mrs. MORRIS
and her daughter appear frequently on programs
and Mrs. MORRIS is one of the local piano and
vocal instructors. Funeral services for Mr. HARROD
will be held Tuesday afternoon at 3:00 in the
First Presbyterian Church. Burial will be in
Union Cemetery. Mrs W.H. HUDSON, sister of
Mr. HARROD, who resides in Los Angeles, will
arrive in Winfield Tuesday to be here for the
services. His son arrived here about a week ago
and with the daughter and wife was at the bedside
of his father when death occurred.


Grandson, of Tom H. HARROD.....

OBITUARY: Winfield Courier, Tues Jan 19, 1943
Former Winfield Lad Dies of Throat Infection
in Florida.

Word of death of Ensen James Harrod MORRIS,
which occurred on Monday at Jacksonville, FL
came at 5 p.m. on Monday in a telegram to his
uncle Mano MORRIS. Ensen MORRIS died of a throat
infection in a naval hospital in Jacksonville.
His sister, Miss Ernestine MORRIS of Dallas, was
summoned to his bedside and made the trip by
plane. It is believed that she was with her
brother when he died. She is bringing the body
to Winfield for burial. Ensen MORRIS's parents,
Mr. & Mrs. James Ernest MORRIS of Corona Del Mar,
California will reach Winfield Wednesday night.
Funeral arrangements have not yet been made.
The death of Ensen MORRIS brought grief to a large
circle of friends. He was born in Winfield on
Feb 16, 1919 and educated in the Winfield schools.
He was graduated from the Winfield High School
in 1936 and from Southwestern college with the
class of 1940. He majored in chemistry. He was
prominent in music, played in the band, sang in
the high school mixed chorus and ??? choir. He,
also took part in intramural basketball games.
Ensen MORRIS was in the meteorological department
of the navy. The MORRIS family were lifelong
residents of Winfield until they moved to Calif
a few months ago.


Benjamin & Mary Ann's Daughter.....

OBITUARY: Winfield Courier, Tues July 24, 1951
Mrs. W.H. HUDSON (Harrod) Dies in California

Mrs. W.H. HUDSON, native of Tisdale and
for many years a resident of Winfield, died
Friday at Mercy Hospital, San Diego, Calif.
She had been in failing health for several months.
Sarah Elizabeth (HARROD) was born at Tisdale
and spent the greater part of her life in Winfield.
In 1929 the HUDSONS moved to Hollywood, Calif.
Five years ago, after the death of her husband,
Mrs. HUDSON moved to San Diego and established
her home at 2801 Kellogg with her only daughter,
Mary Elizabeth STUMP and her family. Surviving
are the daughter; two grandchildren; Mary Lou
and William; and a step-son, Arch E. HUDSON
of Van Nuys, Calif.


UNION CEMETERY, Winfield (Cowley Co.), KS

HARROD, Harrison
(Gov. stone) Co. H, 57th Ind. Inf., Corpl.
HARROD, Lucinda (Stillwell) Hutto
HARROD, Benjamin F.
HARROD, Mary Ann (Hutto)
HARROD, Thomas H.
HARROD, Fannie E.
HARROD, George Frank

Newspaper abstracts from the Winfield Courier:
John James HUTTO, (Lucinda's son) is buried
in Union Cemetery.

John HUTTO'S wife, Sarah Jane; son Fred; dau in-law
Alma; and grandson Carroll John are also buried
at Union Cemetery.



Alto Cemetery HUTTO Inscriptions:
William HUTTO 1846
Thomas W. HUTTO June 29, 1853
{Aged 25 years, 5 mos. 22 days}

Per Lucinda's Obit, Thomas J HUTTO d 1860 Kokomo, IN.

Howard Co., Death Index 1875-1920 lists:
HARROD, Susan, f, w, 46, Jan 11, 1891


Howard Co., IN HARROD Marriages:

HARROD Bertha A. m Max VOIGT Dec 14 1887
{f, w, 16, 12/14/1887, appears to be her parents;
Jesse H. HARROD & Susan LATEM}

HARROD Jasper N. m Lizzie B. LOCKRIDGE Oct 17, 1888

HARROD Jesse M. m Eliza V. NELSON Dec 7, 1893
{m, w, 34, 12/7/1893, appears to be his parents;
Hamlet HARROD and Elizabeth MILES}

HARROD Sarah L. m John B. CROWNOVER June 12, 1889
{f, w, 21, 6/12/1889, Possibly her parents;


Marriage of above Mary Ann (Hutto) HARROD'S Parents;
Lucinda (STILLWELL) m Thomas J HUTTO Nov 9, 1837
at Johnson County, Indiana.

Link to Union Cemetery KS HARROD & HUTTO Burials/Photos
And to Alto Cemetery IN HEROD/HARROD & HUTTO
Link below............

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Union Cem KS & Alto Cem IN HARROD & HUTTO Grave Photos