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Presently researching the possibilty that this
Harrison HARROD/HEROD was the son of Richard HARROD
and Elizabeth "Johanna" (ARNOLD). In that case,
Harrison HARROD'S brothers would be Henderson,
Hugh, Hamlet, Holland and a sister, Finetta (HARROD)

I find 1 reference to Hammond "Harrison" HARROD,
several as Harrison HARROD and also, H.H. HARROD.
He is the owner of an empty grave in Indiana
with an inscription of Harrison HEROD.

The following are facts obtained by documentations.
Now, I need to connect my Harrison HARROD to a family!


From the following Census, Harrison's VA
birth can be estimated to have been abt 1808.


Franklin County, KY Marriage Record provides,
Eliza (HARROD) m 20 Oct., 1829 Harrison HARROD

1850 Henry Co. Kentucky Census;
Hammond Harrison, age 42 m born VA
E., age 36 f born KY
Moses, age 16 m born KY
Benjamin, age 15 m born KY
Elizabeth, age 8 f born KY


1860 Harrison Twp, Howard Co., IN Census
# 776 T: HARRISON TWP H630
Harrison, 53 m 2500/380 Can't Read born VA
Elizabeth, 47 F born KY
Listed with Harrison's Family:
SHANNAN, Susan age 17 born KY
ADAMS, Harrison age 21, Mas. Blacksmith born IN

Civil War Records Index of H.H. HARROD list
his residence as Alto, IN, Howard Co.
{7 miles fr Kokomo/1868 birth of my Ida (HARROD)}

Harrison HARROD, U, Co. H, 57 Ind. Inf., Corpl.
Residence Alto, IN

NOTE: Alto was in "Harrison Twp" (ironic) and
a Tornado leveled and blew Alto off the IN map!

NOTE: Lightning came in on the wires and caused
a fire in the Western Union Telegraph Office on
Feb 11, 1876. Night policeman, Messrs. HUTTO and
STEWART quickly discovered..preventing disaster...

Kokomo Saturday Tribune Feb 15, 1876 (Alto)
Mrs. H.H. HARROD a very estimable Christian lady
and long a resident of this place, died on the
evening of the 11th, inst., of typhoid fever...
An unusual amount of sickness still prevails in
this vicinity. The Rev. Thomas Williams and
daughter Alice, are confined to their beds. The
measles have control of almost the entire
families of ex-Commissioner Pitzer......

Listed at the ALTO, IN CEMETERY:
Elizabeth HEROD
Elizabeth, Wife of Harison HEROD
Born July 25, 1814 Died February 11, 1876
{Grave Photo....Link at bottom of page}

Also Listed/Back Side of Elizabeth's Stone;
Harrison HEROD, Alto,IN Cemetery:
Born Mar 15, 1808, (corresponds w/1850 KY Census)
NO DEATH DATE, because, he is buried in KS.
{Grave Photo....Link at bottom of page}

I believe Harrison migrated to KS after the
1876 death of Mrs. HARROD and joined his
sons, Benjamin, who had migrated to KS abt 1870,
and his son Moses HARROD, who I find in KS by 1873.


Death Notice
Cowley County, KS 3 May 1895....
HARROD, Harrison; age 88 (or 89), d today,
{bur. Union Cem}, left wife, 2 sons, & 1 dau.,

Mon May 6, 1895
The burial of Harrison HARROD took place
Saturday afternoon from the late residence on
East 11th ave. Rev. BRUNER of the ME Church
conducted the services and the body was laid
to rest in the Winfield Cemetery. Harrison
HARROD was 88 years of age and had been a
resident of Winfield for twenty years.

He had been in poor health for three years
and confined to his bed for the last six months
with old age and its accompanying infirmities.
He leaves a family besides his wife, of three
children, two boys and one girl. Many friends
offer their sympathy to the relatives in this
their hour of bereavement.

Harrison Harrod, Cpl. Co. H 57th Ind Inf.

{Grave at bottom of page}

Eliza (Harrod) HARROD (Mrs. H. H. HARROD)
died in Alto, IN in 1876. Harrison HARROD
died in 1895 in KS and "left wife", 2 sons
and 1 dau......

So... Harrison had remarried in Kansas! To whom?
Well, read on, the Saga Continues.....

Winfield Daily Courier, Tues Sept 5, 1899
Death of Grandmother HARROD
Lucinda (Stillwell) Hutto, was born in Kentucky
on November 24, 1820. She buried her husband in
Kokomo, Indiana in 1860. Seven children were born
to them, four of whom still survive her.
Later on, she came to Kansas and was married to
Harrison HARROD, who died in 1895. Since then
she has lived with her daughter, Mrs. Ben HARROD,
until her death. In early life she became a
member of the methodist church. The funeral
services were conducted by Rev. T.W. JEFFREY,
Sunday in a most impressive manner and the
body was laid to rest in Union Cemetery.

The Plot Thickens! Evidently, this Lucinda's
daughter, Mary Ann (Hutto) had m to Harrison's
son, Benjamin F. HARROD at Kokomo, IN in 1856.
(2 yrs before Lucinda's 1st hsb Tm J HUTTO died).

UNION CEMETERY, Winfield (Cowley Co.), KS

HARROD, Harrison
(Gov. stone) Co. H, 57th Ind. Inf., Corpl.
{Note: Stone matches above Military Reference.}
HARROD, Lucinda (Stillwell)Hutto
HARROD, Benjamin F.
HARROD, Mary Ann (Hutto)
HARROD, Thomas H.
HARROD, Fannie E.
HARROD, George Frank

See Union and Alto Cemetery Link Below to view
HEROD/HARROD/HUTTO-KS & IN Burials & Grave Stones)

for Sightings, Obits, Burials and Children.
Link Below.......

Son of Harrison, Daughter of Lucinda......

Benjamin F. & Mary Ann (Hutto) HARROD
Union Cem-KS & Alto Cem-IN GRAVE PHOTOS
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