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Regarding Grandfather, Harry Monroe DAVIS....
January 1897 to November 1960

BORN: January 4, 1897 Guthrie, OK (Logan County)
PARENTS: William Monroe DAVIS and Ida Ellen (HARROD)
DIED: November 20, 1960 Enid, OK
OBIT: See at the bottom of this page
WIFE 1: Verna B. SALISBURY/Son, Merle
WIFE 2: Hilda Ellen FILLEBAUM/unknown children
WIFE 3: Sadie "Peggy" E. (BREWER, HOWE, DAVENPORT)/no children/3 step-sons

SURNAMES are mentioned in this page that are both related and unrelated to Harry, but were in some way associated with him during his life 1897-1960:


My Grandfather, Harry Monroe DAVIS was born Jan 4th, 1897 in Guthrie, OK to William Monroe and Ida Ellen (HARROD) DAVIS.

The Davis family lived in and around the Ames, OK area in the early 1900's. I find by Census record that, in 1910 Harry lived at Ames, OK (Major County). He was 13 years old. His father, William M. was a "Harness Maker" who owned his own shop. Harry, William and Ida are named in the 1910 Ames Census. Harry's sister Lula "Blanche" (Davis) SMITH was listed in the Fairview Twp Census at this same time, with her husband Jesse and 8 month old son Clifford SMITH. Harry is listed in both Census records, with his parents and again with his sister.

Next, Harry and his family are residents of Enid, OK (Garfield County) in 1917. Harry M. DAVIS married Verna B. (SALISBURY) in Wichita, KS on June 18, 1917. Verna was the daughter of John I. SALISBURY and Hattie Jane SHANNON. D.W. VON SCRILTZ was the Minister who officiated. GWC JONES was the Probate Judge. William and Ida DAVIS were witnesses to the ceremony.

Harry and Verna DAVIS made their home in Enid, OK. In June 1918 Harry registered for the war. He was issued Draft Number 58 and his Order of Being Called Number was 107I-A. He and wife Verna resided at 116 S. 7th, Enid at that time. According to news articles, Harry was called.

Harry and Verna had a son, b Mar 6, 1920 in Enid and named Merle. He was born at the home of his grandparents, William and Ida DAVIS, 1110 East Broadway. The attending physician was Julian FIELDS. The building/home in which he was born remains to this day. Harry and Verna lost a child to death, prior to 1920 in KS or OK?

Harry DAVIS was an Enid Barber in 1920 and his father was a shoe maker. Other names associated with this family, and listed in the 1920 Enid Census are; Manuel or Maxwell JUNELL, with his wife's name being Olive, and they are listed as renters. Separate from them was a 3 yr and 11 month old girl named Ruby Mae BUSH, a lodger/boarder of Wm & Ida DAVIS.

In 1921 Harry, Verna & Merle DAVIS resided with Wm & Ida Davis, as did Monroe DAVIS. Harry is listed as chauffeur in Enid.

Harry & Verna parted. She and son, Merle returned to Wichita, KS. Verna filed for Divorce in Dec 1922 and it was final March 16, 1923. Merle was 3. Harry resided for a brief time in the Welsh, LA area and returned to Enid. Verna later re-married.

Harry M. DAVIS remarried to Hilda Ellen (FILLEBAUM) on November 2, 1925 before the Enid Judge, E.L. SEIGERT. Hilda was 26 years old at the time of the marriage, making her birth year abt 1899. The license states she was born in Kansas. Whether or not they had children, remains unknown.

Harry's occupation according to Merle's 1920 birth cert., is Barber. Enid City Directories from 1925 to 1927 also list him as a Barber:
*1925 DAVIS and MCDANIELS Barbers,202 No.Independence
*Residence: 405 East State
1926-1927 DAVIS, Harry (Hilda) Barber at C.B. Bonham
*Residence: DAVIS, Harry (Hilda) 1620 East Market
1928 No listing for Harry, but Hilda DAVIS is listed as an Ironer at the Crystal Laundry & Dry Cleaners.
*Residence: DAVIS, Hilda Mrs., 1620 East Market

Harry & Hilda DAVIS were divorced in Enid in 1937. Their divorce was filed 2-19-1937, Garfield County. It remains unknown whether they had children as documents are missing from archives.

I can only estimate that Harry left Enid abt 1929. I do not know if he and Hilda were together at that time, but they were still married. It is stated in his obituary that he lived in Wichita, KS for "30 years before returning to Enid in 1952," however, he is confirmed a resident of Enid until abt 1929.
He is then again confirmed an Enid resident in 1952 after his return from Wichita.

While living in Wichita, KS Harry worked in the motor refinishing and tire regrooving business. He also owned a rug cleaning plant. He was a member of the Baptist Church and of the American Legion. I have documentation that Harry resided at 4433 MT Vernon Road, Wichita, KS in December 1950, at age 53.

He again lived in Enid, OK from 1952 until 1960 when he passed away there. He and his 3rd wife had operated a small Beer and Luncheon Parlor in Enid, on Main Street.

Harry's death occurred on Nov 20, 1960 with his services and burial on Nov 23, 1960. Lewis L. CORPORON Officiated and the burial was at the Enid Cemetery in Enid, OK.

At the time of Harry's death he was survived by his wife, Sadie E. "Peggy"(BREWER) DAVIS. They had resided at 342 South 7th. He was also survived by a sister Blanche (Davis) SMITH then of Tucson, AZ.

Harry & Peggy DAVIS' marriage date/place is unknown, but believed to have been after 1952. Peggy DAVIS passed away in Oct 1970 and was buried next to Harry at the Enid Cemetery. Peggy was survived by her three sons at the time of her death.

Harry Monroe Davis Obituary
Enid Morning News, Tuesday, November 22, 1960
Deaths and Funerals
Harry M. Davis-Rites Wednesday
Services will be held at 4 p.m. Wednesday in the Henninger-Allen chapel for Harry M. Davis, 63 who died suddenly early Sunday morning in a local hospital. Lewis L. Corporon will officiate at the service. Burial will be in Enid Cemetery.
Davis was a native of Guthrie, living at Fairview before moving to Enid in 1923. He returned to Enid from Wichita, Kan; where he had lived thirty years. he was a member of the American Legion and Baptist Church. He was in the motor cleaning and tire regrooving business.
Survivors include his widow, Peggy, of the home, 342 South Seventh; one sister, Mrs. Blanche Smith of Tucson, Ariz; three step-sons, Ralph G. Howe, Wichita, Kan; Harold Davenport, Sweetwater, Tex; Billy Wayne Davenport, Houston, Tex.
Pallbearers will be; Kenneth Sprinkle, Kenneth Buchanan, A.E. States, Robert Pope and Frank Woods.

Funeral Notes provide, "Trains" were displayed. Apparently this was something Harry enjoyed.

For more about connections to Harry M. DAVIS, please see the links below........

OTHER'S RELATED TO HARRY................

His Parents: Wm & Ida (Harrod) DAVIS
His Sister: Lula Blanche (Davis) SMITH
His Son: Merle
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Link to DAVIS Grave Photos at Enid Cemetery........

Enid Cemetery & Grave Photos