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Monroe Davis in the Ku Klux Klan

Monroe's KKK Hero's Cross

Monroe DAVIS was a charter member of the Ku Klux Klan. The exact time and length of Monroe's involvement is uncertain. However, it was prior to racial issues, which came much later.

We have to remember that back in the early days of its inception, the KKK was as honorable an organization as the Masonic Lodge.

Monroe received the KKK Hero's Cross while a member. He was venerated whenever he attended one of the KKK meetings. Monroe was held in high esteem by the KKK and was always treated with special honor.

Monroe is said to have been aquainted with Nathan Bedford FORREST, who was the first Grand Wizard of the KKK.

The organization was initially founded to get rid of the “carpet-beggars”, those unscrupulous individuals who were coming down from the North and taking advantage of the plight of the Southern people who didn’t have enough money to pay their own taxes.

These scoundrels were buying property for pennies on the dollar and making a killing. The KKK went after them and ran them out or strung them up.

They also put to flight, many a man who was mistreating his family and normally showed up in the night and gave the offender a horse-whipping. This was generally enough to get his attention and straighten him up.



Dear Reader:

I have added this page to my web site because it is a factual mark in my family history and ancestry, concerning my GG-Grandfather.

It is not intended to offend anyone. I do not promote racial issues of any kind, nor the latter day KKK issues and actions.

I, nor you can change history, but we can preserve it, learn from it and "we" can build a united future.

Best Wishes!

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