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Monroe & Sarah (McHenry) DAVIS Family

Monroe's marriage to Sarah (MCHENRY)... was about 1865........

Exact Time & Place remains unknown. I would like to obtain their marriage information.

Sarah was a Fulton Co., IL girl and the daughter of David & Elizabeth MCHENRY.

In 1866 Monroe & Sarah had a child, Madison DAVIS born in Illinois.

On October 24, 1867 at Plattsburg, (Clinton County), MO, Monroe and Sarah had a son born, William Monroe DAVIS.

In 1870 the Monroe DAVIS family is listed in the Greenfield, MO (Dade County) Census. Monroe is a Carpenter.

On June 22, 1871 at Starfield (Clinton County), MO Monroe & Sarah's daughter, Thersia Ellen DAVIS was born.

On July 24, 1876 Samuel Thomas DAVIS was born to Monroe & Sarah in Missouri. The exact place is unknown.

In 1880, Monroe DAVIS and family are at Silver Creek Township, (Cowley County), Kansas. Monroe was a farmer. Residing with them were Sarah's parents, David & Elizabeth MCHENRY. Their child Madison is not listed on this census, and assumed to have died between the 1870 and 1880 census's. Another son, Jesse DAVIS is listed in this census. It is assumed he was born abt 1879 in KS.

{I would like to locate the graves of these children; Madison between 1870-1880, most likely Dade or Clinton Co., MO or Cowley CO., KS and Jesse between 1880-1900, most likely Cowley Co., KS or Woods or Major Co., OK}.

In 1900 Monroe & Sarah DAVIS are at Cimarron Township, (Woods County), Oklahoma. Per the census they had 8 children with only 3 living at that time; William, Samuel & Thersia DAVIS. Also living with them was their 6 year old adopted daughter, listed as Alva M. (BIRCHFIELD). Alva was born December 1893 in OK. Her birth parent's were both born in Indiana. (Samuel & Sarah (Mason) BIRCHFIELD). Jesse, Madison and 3 other DAVIS children had died by 1900. {I would like to locate names and graves of the 3 unknown DAVIS children. Monroe DAVIS once stated that he was convinced, that he had a daughter (unidentified) who had been buried alive, because she was inflicted with a malady that caused her to go into comas so deep, that it appeared that she had died.

In 1910, Monroe & Sarah DAVIS are in the Blackwell City, Kay County, OK Census. Listed with them is their 16 year old "adopted" daughter, Alva M. Birchfield. Monroe & Sarah were 66 years old.

Sarah (McHenry) DAVIS died in 1912 (at 68) and is buried at the Ames Cemetery, Ames, OK. {I would like to obtain an obituary for Sarah}.

In 1915 Monroe is listed in directory as a boarder with son Samuel DAVIS at 808 S. Grand Ave., Enid, OK.

In 1917 Monroe lived with son William (and Ida) DAVIS at 1327 East Randolph, Enid, OK. Also in that year he boarded with son Samuel (and Mary) DAVIS on S. Grand Ave.

In 1921 Monroe again lived with Wm & Ida DAVIS at 1110 East Broadway, Enid. Harry & Verna DAVIS and son, Merle also resided there.

In 1923 Monroe lived with Wm & Ida at the Broadway home.

In 1925 Monroe resided with Wm & Ida at 405 East State, Enid.

Monroe DAVIS also spent some time in Louisiana in the 1920's. It is believed he was at Welsh, LA but the exact time and reason for his time there, is unknown.

Monroe was living with his "foster" daughter at Blackwell, per his 1934 obituary. Monroe's burial was at the Ames Cemetery, Ames (Major County), OK March 30 1934. The death information provides that, he had resided at 115 1/2 W. McKinley, Blackwell, OK.

Please return to the Monroe Davis Page to read more details about his Life on the Cheyenne Reservation, his time in the KKK, a letter written by him, his inventions, golden years, death, obit and more..........................................................

Links to..................

Sarah's Husband, Monroe DAVIS
Sarah's Brother, Samuel MCHENRY
Sarah's Parents, David & Elizabeth MCHENRY
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