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奧運前景 (2) - 國際龍舟界電郵通訊
Olympic Prospects (2) - from DB E-group News

subject: [dragonboats] db news
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 18:51:52 -0000


open letter from Mason Hung, Secretary General - International Dragon Boat Federation
(2000-5-3 )

3 May 2000
To: All ICF Delegates

From: Mason Hung
Secretary General - International Dragon Boat Federation

Subject: Dragon Boat Racing

Dear Delegates

As the Secretary General of the International Dragon Boat Federation
(IDBF), I am surprised to learn from my fellow colleagues in IDBF
that the International Canoe Federation (ICF) still claims that dragon
boating, an independent sport, is part of canoeing.

It is in fact highlighted by our President Liu Ji in his letter to you
that dragon boating has a history of over 2000 years in China.
Dragon boating is very much part of the Chinese culture. It is strongly and
deeply linked with our culture and tradition not only in China but
also in Chinese communities all over the world. Its popularity is
well demonstrated by the widespread celebrations and participation by
not only the Chinese communities but by all nationalities all over the world.

Apart from history and tradition, dragon boating is no longer a
festive event but rather a competitive sport widely practiced
regardless of their geographical location or nationalities.

With the staging and active promotion of international dragon boat
racing pioneered by Hong Kong, China back in 1976, it laid the
foundation of competitive dragon boat racing in the global sporting
arena. The establishment of the IDBF in 1991 with the headquarters
based in Hong Kong, China signified the formalization of the sport
with establishment of national controlling bodies, standardized rules
of racing, guidelines on umpiring, format of racing and standard
racing equipment. In a nutshell, dragon boat racing fulfilled all requirements and criteria of a sport.

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3 May 2000
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Dragon Boat Racing

Under the leadership of the IDBF as well as her continental
federations, world championships and continental championships have
been organized and widely participated by their member countries and
regions since the First World Championships held in Yueyang, China in
1995. These Championships were being organized in a very well defined
format offering opportunities to all member controlling bodies with a
fare competition under different racing classes and distances.

Apart from the history of IDBF, I would also like to draw attention of
the delegates to the letter sent by our Executive President to the
Director General of General Association of International Sports
Federations (GAISF) dated 29 April (copy attached). In his letter,
the detailed analysis on the GAISF Statutes and Bye-Laws indicated
that both canoeing and dragon boat racing should be respected as a
sport of its own right.

I trust you will also all agree that dragon boat racing, an
independent sport, is a well-developed and widely practiced sport.
Its development, supported by all national controlling bodies and
national Olympic committees, is progressing and moving along a very
healthy path.

With the above, I sincerely hope that you could respect what we have
accomplished in promoting and developing the sport of dragon boat racing.

Best regards,

Mason Hung
Secretary General

c.c.: Mr. Liu Ji, President, IDBF
Mr. R L Wilson, Founder President, IDBF
Mr. Tim Fok, President, Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China
Mr. Andrew Ma, Chief Executive, Hong Kong Sports Development Board

國際龍舟聯合會會長的回應      Response from IDBF President, Mike Haslam
 Alvin's View as an paddler 2002/8