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Stanley Residents Association Ltd.


96, Stanley Main Street, Stanley 赤柱大街96號 Tel: 28130564
Fax: 28135704,, Email:






請於四月二十日前填妥報名表格 ( R ),連同劃線支票,用掛號信方式寄交本會。報名費每隊HK$7,000(其中1000元為參賽費、6000元為練習費)。支票須寫明支付「赤柱居民聯誼會有限公司」,在報名時請仔細揀選練習時間,以便本會為各隊編定十次練習(每次一小時)。



  1. 「男子」組外藉與華藉均各自設有甲、乙兩個級別,兩級各有盃賽及碟賽。但只有甲組隊伍可晉級「赤柱龍舟錦標賽總決賽」。女子組只有一個組別。
  2. 甲組為精英組華籍及外籍「男子組」各只限20隊。在之前一年所有甲組之隊伍及乙組盃賽前三名獲甄選參加。所剩餘額本賽會根據去年成績作出編排。唯賽會容許協商。首次參賽隊亦視乎實力而定。
  3. 另外,自2002年起比賽人數修訂為全船20人(包括18名槳手及1名舵手、一名鼓手),且全隊體重平均值不得超過200磅。






主席 王錦泉 謹啟



Stanley Residents Association Ltd

96, Stanley Main Street, Stanley 赤柱大街96號 Tel: 28130564 Fax: 28135704, Email:

1 January 2003

Dear Sir/Madam,


The Annual Dragon Boat Race is going to be held at Stanley Main Beach on 4 June 2003 (Wednesday). Application to enter the race is now open.

As you might notice the ample entries last year, you are advised to apply early to assure a place. Places are limited and application will be accepted on a first-come-first served basis.

Please complete the entry form [ R ] and return it with a crossed cheque HK$7,000 (Among the entry package, $1000 is for entry fee, $6000  practice fee).which should be made payable to the ”Stanley Residents Association Limited” and sent by registered mail to the Association before April 15. Please choose and specify carefully the most convenient time of practice, so that 10  practice sessions for each team can be worked out.

Besides, to meet the demand of early training schedules, we are going to open training from January  to mid April. Please refer to Form E for details.

To improve the event further, we  have modified the rules in 2002 as follows:

1.  Men's Teams of both Chinese and Expat are further divided into 2 classes as  A & B. Each class has its own Cup & Plate events. But only those in class A will be able to advance to the Overall combined Final . (Ladies Team only have one class to enter )

2.  Class A is the Elite grade and is limited to only 20 teams each for both Chinese & Expat Categories. All the Class A teams, as well as the fastest 3 Cup finalists of Class B in previous year, can enter Class A this year directly.Classification is negotiable. Newcomer's option will depend on actual team profile.


3.  The crew on each boat is limited to 20, including 18 rowers, one steersman and a drummer. And the average weight of the crew must not exceed 200 pounds. Detailed regulations and arrangements of the Race will be sent out later and will also be printed on the Race Programme and our web site.

 Dragonboating is now regarded as one of the fastest growing water sport in the world. It is good for physical health and the mind and is a good means of building up team spirit. It is obviously a precious coporate social and sporting activity for your company and staff should be encouraged to take part. The Association will surely respond to your participation by putting in relevant resources.

Any kinds of support to sponsor the printing of the programme brochure(Deadline for advertisement scripts is also on April 15) and sponsor building new boats are welcome..

On behalf of the local residents, we appreciate your active participation in our traditional festival. Enclosed please find the entry form, practise option sheets and information for sponsorship.

Yours very truly,


Alson, Wong Kam-chuen (Mr)
