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端午節正日(農曆五月初五)之*(西元)日期 :

Dragon Boat Festival Date for Duen Wu (Cantonese:Tuen Ng Festival): 5th day of the 5th Month in Chinese Lunar calendar as in Western Calendar:

1997  20 Jun  /  2002  15 Jun (Sat)(星期六)    / 2007  19 Jun  (Tue)(星期二) /  2012  23 Jun
1998  30 May  /  2003  04 Jun (Wed)(星期三)    / 2008  08 Jun  (Sun)(星期日) /  2013  12 Jun
1999  18 Jun  /  2004  22 Jun (Tue)(星期二)    / 2009  28 Jun                /  2014  02 Jun
2000  06 Jun  /  2005  11 Jun (Sat)(星期六)    / 2010  16 Jun                /  2015  20 Jun
2001  25 Jun  /  2006  31 May (Wed)(星期三)    / 2011  06 Jun
資料來源( Info source):



註 Note:

1.  赤柱龍舟競渡每年都在端午節正日舉行 (一天完成, 朝8免6:30)
The mega event of Stanley Dragon Boat Races is held on the Tuen Ng (Duen Wu) Festival day (one-day event, 8am-6:30pm).

2. 本會自從2002年起在端午正日以外加 較小型的"短途邀請賽",個別受邀 隊伍會收到額外資料包。其他有意參賽者也盡快與秘書處查詢。

Since 2002, on top of the regular annual event at Tuen Ng Festival. SRA, the organizer stages another event of small scale, namely the "Stanley Short Course Invitational Race" . Certain teams will receive invitation soon. If you are interested, contact the secretariat.

3.  通常赤柱龍舟競渡大賽 (端午節正日) 後一、兩星期之週末一連兩天,會在沙田城門河或尖沙咀東舉行「香港國際賽」。(查詢: 香港龍協)
Usually within two weeks after the one-day Stanley Dragon Boat Races (Festival Day Proper) , the 2-day "HK International Race"  will be held at  the weekend 
(another venue, usually Shing Mun River of Shatin, of Harbour front of Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon.  Enquiries:


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