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The adopted Citizens

Here are the dragons I have adopted. You may come across a creature that's not a dragon here and there.

Skyscan and Pennywing.- a blue hatchling and a green hatchling.

BlackHeart-a black griffan.

Violetmoon-a purple hatchling

Buffy.- a little cow

Ellie.- a baby Heffalump

Teppic.- a panda

DChamp Saria.- a baby DChamp

Tahayah.- a little guinea pig

Casinitha.- a dragon

Awards and webrings.- what I've won, or joined.

There will be lots more soon.


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The Site Fights Spirit Flowers
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The Site Fights Spirit Flowers
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The Site Fights Spirit Flowers
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The Site Fights Spirit Flowers
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I'm just crazy over spirit flowers!