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My Anime Site

Anime is a japanese style of Animation. In my opinion it is definitely the coolest too! One anime you must have heard of is Pokemon. If you haven't you must have had your head stuck in a hole the past couple of years. Anyway, these are my anime adoptions. Each one is linked to where I got it from!

"Hey! how did you get here!!??! Oops! I forgot! I invited you! *laughs* I'm a sorceress you know, aren't I pretty?? What's that you say? I'm not stuck up!!!"

"Hi there! I'm a faery! I just got here and I'm a bit shy. Do you know the way around? You don't??? Oh well."

"Hey! I'm a water elf! Don't you just love my hair and My tattoos? My name is Aquatikka, but you can call me what ever ya want to."

"I'm Misty the mermaid! Do you like my long red hair? I spend so much time brushing it I... Oh! that reminds me, where's my comb?"

"Hi there! I'm Ivy and I'm an angel. I just dropped by to enjoy the sun and a nice cool drink. I wonder where that waitress is..."

"Meow! I'm Francess, the kitty. Are you surprised I can talk? I can fly too!"

Aeeeooowww! Isn't sweep sooo cute! CUTEY! ^_^

Below is Articuno, a pokemon.

Click to Adopt a

Meet Artic Beauty!

Level: 70

Skills: Blizzard, Ice Beam, Peck, Razor Wind

Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection

I'm getting heaps more great adoptions soon. For now, farewell!



The Psychic Pokemon Connection

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