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The Dark Enchantress Pixie

Adopt her for yourself Here!

You come to a little field with a running stream flowing through it. On the other side of the stream is a teenage girl, her straw blond hair tied carelessly behind her head. She wears a pale purle dress that seems to be made of silk. You are about to cross the stream when she looks at you threateningly "If you knew whats good for you you wouldn't do that," she warns. "What do you mean?" you ask. "Here, put this knife in the bank." she says, handing you a steel blade. Not wanting to cause a fuss, you do as she says. Looking a lot more relaxed, she smiles and says, "sorry about that, you can come across now. If I hadn't have stopped you you might never get back." A little confused, you cross the stream and find your self in a place that is, to say the least, strange.

"Welcome to faery! Your here to learn about faeries right?" she asks. You nod. "Well, faeries aren't at all like the little pictures you see in kids books. They are all shapes and sizes, and most are mischievious and/or tricksy. Take for example,my friend here, Kyolkey. You turn to see a rather ugly little goblin-thing hopping up and down on the branch of a tree "ka ka ka ka, Kyolkey Kyolkey Kyolkey of the Ku Ku tree! Ka ka ka!" he cackles. You take a step back, rather alarmed. "Don't worry," she laughs, "He's perfectly harmless, just a little annoying."

"Ka ka ka ka ka!" the faery laughs.

"of course, not all faeries are harmless, some can spread plagues and diseases, and some can do minor things like turn light bulbs out, or leave crumbs in the bed. Then again, some faeries are sweet and kind,and wouldn't hurt a fly. If you ever meet a faery like this please tell me. I haven't seen one yet. Thats all I have time for right now," she smiles, "come back later and I shall tell you more, or if you have any questions, just ask Goldsoarer. She knows as much as me. Good bye. And good luck." she says. You turn around and walk back through the stream. When you try to remember what just happened, you can't remember what the place actually looked like.

here are two pictures of faeries by Brian Froud.

if you would like to use this background, please use this button and link it back to Endoria.

Back to Endoria
See my adopted faeries!
Read a faery story I wrote
Angel's faery adoptions
Griffinsgate, contains a tribute to Brian Froud
