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After a while of wandering you find yourself looking down on a beautiful valley with rocky cliffs filled with caves on either side and grassy plains and forests down below. This is Endoria.

You turn around and are surprised to see a beautiful golden dragon flying towards you. But as it begins to land it turns into a human girl, who has red hair and a purple medieval dress.

please don't take this picture of Goldsoarer.

"Greetings traveler. I am Goldsoarer, head dragon of Endoria. You are welcome to come with me and explore this land. There is much to see here. Just click on one of the places below and I will take you there."

About Endoria

The Caves- adopt an Endorian dragon

The petshop- adopt a cute little sadly.

The Village- Adopt a girl or a maiden.

The marble tower- Your site can win an Endorian award!

Endoria news- What’s happening

Adopted citizens- My adopted pets, as well as awards and webrings

Anime-My adopted anime creatures.

The fields-The gateway to Faery.

The bard's gathering- have your poetry posted on Endoria.

Goldsoarer's cave- Learn about Goldsoarer.

Griffins' gate- A fantasy site owned by my friend Ariel

Denerian- My best friend's site, If you like starwars and RPGs then come here.

Please sign my Guestbook!



please visit my friend Starry in her Night-Sky Castle! (and don't take her picture!)

Email me!

I employed Perimba the star maid from Starry's Night-Sky Castle

These are my adopted creatures fromSweet Water Valley . Aren't they great?

This Little WorldMakers site owned by Goldsoarer.
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