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Adopt a Sadly

The pet shop is full of small furry creatures, all crying very loudly. A sad looking shop keeper looks pleadingly at you, "The sadlys are sad because they don't have a home. Can you cheer them up?" he asks.

Here's how it works. You download your little sadly then make him/her a little website. For an example go to see my guinea pig Then, once you've made it beautiful. (backgrounds are always nice and maybe put in some pretty pictures) you fill out the form below. I'll visit and have a look. If your site is really good you'll be mailed a gladly, like a sadly but really happy and yellow, if it's pretty good you'll get a thadly, happy and any color, if it's ok you'll get a bladly, quite happy and blue. Every one is unique and special.

if you would like to use this background, please use this button and link it back to Endoria.

What is your name?

Is your sadly a boy or a girl?

What's it's name?

Where is it staying at (address)?

E-mail address?

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