Climate/Terrain: Any
Frequency: Very Rare
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Nil
Intelligence: 15-16, Exceptional
Treasure: A, S, T (If guarding a wizards treasure)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
No. Appearing: 1-2
Armor Class: 6
Movement: 12
Hit Dice: 5+4
THAC0: 15
No. Of Attacks: 1
Damage/Attack: 1D6
Special Attacks: Poison (Type F)
Special Defenses: See below
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: M (5 - 6' tall)
Morale: Fearless
XP Value: 1400
Scugs are usually the guardians of evil wizards and priests. Summoned and forced into slavery (Rune carved platinum band around their neck enslaves them to the summoners will), Scugs will guard an area or treasure until death frees them or they manage to slay their master. Scugs have giant snake like bodies, their scales being a strange shimmering blue/green color. From the waist up, they are almost humanoid in appearance, having a human-like torso but lacking arms. Six small, insect like legs sprout from their abdomens, though it is not known what they are used for. Many sages suspect that they use these tiny legs to help them maneuver over though areas like up stairs for instance.
Fast and aggressive, Scugs will nearly always attack the most convenient target or targets first. Their tails are very mobile, easily striking opponents with their venomous tip. The stinger injects poison (type F) into the wound, against which a victim must make a save vs. poison or die. Even if the save is successful, the victim suffers 1-6 points of physical damage from the powerful stinger.
Scugs often have a powerful hatred of Magic Users (including their own master) and thus will attempt to slay any Magic Users first.
Due to their magical nature, Scugs can only be hit by weapons of plus one or better.
Scugs have two innate magical abilities at their disposal. Both can be used once per day without the need of gestures, voice, or spell components.
The first is the ability to create Darkness 15' radius (as 1rst level MU/Priest spell). Scugs can see normally in this magical darkness and do not receive any negative effects from within it.
The second is Detect Magic (as 1rst level MU/Priest spell). Scugs will use this to give themselves some warning as to which opponents may be the most dangerous.
It is unknown how Scugs live or what they do on their own plane of existence. Once summoned and enslaved Scugs must remain at all times within 90 yards of the object they have been summoned to protect.
Summoning a Scug is a dangerous affair. There is a 10% chance for each level the summoner is over 5th level of completing the summoning successfully (maximum chance 90%).
Conversely, if the summoning fails, there is a 65% chance (-2% per level of summoner over 7th level) that the Scug will break free during the summoning and attempt to slay the spellcaster. Otherwise the Scug will just return to its home plane.