Uli: This dive is incredible. We must be the first people to have laid eyes on this wreck in over a hundred years.
John: It's no TITANIC, but I've gotta agree-- It's amazing.
Randy: I hate to break in here, guys, but it's nearly time to wrap this up.
Okay, not much longer.
Claude: How is it going, Randy?
Randy: Unbelievable. Never thought I'd see a stash like this in my life.
Sure we can't keep any of it?
It only hurts the first time-- you'll get used to it.
Uli, the storm front is moving in a lot faster than predicted. How much longer do you think you'll need?
Uli: The last load from the ship's vault is on its way up now. We're taking one last look.
John: Hold on a moment-- There's something down there.
Be careful, John!
Uli: What the hell is this thing?
I don't know, but it must have been buried underneath the hull.
That means it was here before the ship.
Impossible-- It looks brand new.
Randy: There's not a barnacle on it.
Claude: Or near it-- That's it. The light repelled the sea life around it.
Yeah, well sounds like one for Ripley's, not the Smithsonian. So, they're gonna pick it up tomorrow?
[ Snap ] [ Door hinges squeaking ]
[ Clunk, clunk ]
[ Clinking ]
Randy: Okay, you guys finish up here. There's something else I wanna check out.
[ Whisk ]
[ Laser whining ] [ Laser whining ]
[ Gasp ]
[ Metallic humming ]
[ Zapping ]
[ Whooshing ]
Thief: Hey, Randy, what's taking so long? Randy?
[ Zap ]
[ Zap ]
Qu'on: I felt it, too.
Da'an: Ha'gel is here.
[ Gunshots ]
[ Zap ]
[ Whoosh ]
[ Grunting ]
Beckett: So, Marquette, there's been no other woman in Sandoval's life since his wife died?
Lili: None that I know of, Beckett.
What about you and Boone?
[ Grunting ]
[ Wunk ]
You should spend less time on girl talk and more focusing on your technique.
Have you reconsidered my offer to help you become a companion agent?
I can't understand that.
Well, I'm not asking you to.
Are you afraid you're not up to it?
As I recall, you were the one just ended up flat on your back.
Tell me why an ambitious, capable woman would decline the opportunity to advance her career.
Maybe for the same reason that my independence threatens you so.
Kwai-Ling Hong: What's your poison?
Ha'gel as Randy: What's my poison?
Beer, whisky, a fru-fru drink with an umbrella?
[ Couple arguing ]
[ Splat ]
What's she having?
A bad day.
What do you suggest for that?
[ "Randy" giving drink to woman ] You look like you could use this.
Woman: I must look pretty miserable.
Not to me.
[ Police dispatches in background ]
Bob: Forensics says it's mostly water.
Boone: Mostly?
Yeah, it's filled with fragments of human genetic material. You know, I once had a slice-and-dicer who thought his neighbours were a major food group. But this is definitely from outer space.
Have these things taken to Washington to be examined by the taelons. If anything else unusual comes up, call me.
Oh, yes.
Boone: I'm not able to decipher this taelon text.
Zu'or: What it says is not your concern.
I have a suspect encased in an alien cocoon. That is my concern.
Da'an: this writing dates back to the beginning of our recorded time. It says--
Zu'or: The cylinder is a prison. It holds an ancient taelon criminal by the name of Ha'gel Who was cast into the stellar sea millions of years ago.
Boone: And just happened to land on our planet.
Unfortunately, yes.
Sandoval: Does he pose a danger to the taelons?
An extreme danger, which is why he must be hunted down and eliminated.
How will we find him?
Da'an: By ascertaining the identity of the human in the cocoon, for it is his identity that Ha'gel has assumed.
Boone: Are you saying that Ha'gel can assume the appearance of anyone he wants?
Like your chameleon, except in Ha'gel's case, he assumes not only the physical characteristics of the victim, but all of his knowledge as well.
How can a taelon commit murder?
Zu'or: Ha'gel is no more taelon than your neanderthal man was human. Use the police and whatever force is required for this. Your skrills will be the only weapon effective against Ha'gel.
Then why use the police? If skrills are the only thing to bring him down, the police will be useless.
Not if they lead you to him. Enlist lieutenant Beckett to help you. You will require her additional skrill to stop Ha'gel.
Beckett? I thought she returned to Ireland with the English Companion.
She stayed behind to investigate a security breach.
[ Match fizzing ]
Beckett: you who are the source of all my power, illuminate my heart so that it too can do your work. [ Sighing ] Grant me weak eyes, for things that are of no account, and strong eyes for all thy truth.
[ Knocking at door ]
Beckett: Come in.
Sandoval: I... I'm sorry. The desk clerk said that you had left word for me to come up.
Come in.
Zu'or said that you stayed behind to investigate a security breach.
And some unfinished business between you and me.
There's no unfinished business.
Make yourself comfortable?
I really don't have time to play games, Beckett. If there's a security breach--
It's not a game, Sandoval. They're called runes. The celtic form of tarot.
And you're using these to find the security breach?
No. I'm using these to understand your negative response to my physical overtures.
As I said in Ireland, my duty is to the companions. Nothing's gonna take away from that focus.
But a CVI doesn't take away our need for physical release. As a matter of fact, it increases our physical capabilities. Inguz. Sign of fertility and new beginnings. Indicates a need to complete what has already begun.
Nothing has begun, lieutenant Beckett.
Dagaz... Indicates you must rely on radical trust... Even if you must leap empty-handed into the void.
I trust only what I know. And as far as leaping into the void, I think Boone would be more suitable to your taste.
[ Beckett Laughing ]
Sandoval: What is it?
You and I are destined to come together, whether you like it or not.
Zu'or has ordered us to eliminate a taelon criminal who has killed at least 4 humans.
I'll ready myself. Agent Sandoval... We'll discuss your security breach in the morning.
Boone: Da'an wanted to tell us more, but Zu'or kept cutting him off. They're definitely threatened.
Park: I can see why. What kind of being could do something like this? This is way beyond anything I've ever seen before, even from the taelons.
Can you isolate the cause of death? Besides the obvious.
You mean asphyxiation?
Not yet. [ Monitor blipping ] UH!
What is it?
[ Monitor blipping ]
He's alive.
[ Blipping continues ]
[ Footsteps on stairs ]
Woman: I don't know what's come over me. When you touched my hand, my whole body just--
"Randy": Where's your apartment?
Right here.
[ Whooshing ]
[ Zapping ]
[ Lightning crashing ]
Beckett: Your focus on Ha'gel is appropriately directed, but don't ignore the security breach under your nose.
Sandoval: You used that as bait to lure me to your hotel room. That won't work again.
What happens between you and me is beyond our control. What you do about Lili Marquette is not. She's working for the liberation as a spy.
That's a very dangerous accusation, lieutenant.
And not one I take lightly.
What, if anything, do you have to back it up?
My instincts.
Your instincts?
Do you expect me to believe--
Didn't you learn anything at Strandhill? Need I remind you that you were forced to concede the power of my intuition?
Talk to me when you have proof.
[ Sighing ]
[ Siren wailing ]
[ Investigators talking ]
Bob: I think this qualifies as unusual.
Boone: It's like she was lying in the eye of a hurricane.
Bomb squad says that whatever hit this place had the explosive force of 2 keys of plastique.
And how did they explain this?
That's where you come in.
Well, there's no apparent sign of physical trauma. And her face is so... Contented.
Do you think it's the same guy from the warehouse?
Let's get her body to Dr. Park right away.
Park: I removed as much of the cocoon as possible. But unless we're able to get a match on the D.N.A. sample, we're never gonna be able to identify him.
It's hard to believe
Lili: There's someone still alive underneath that shell.
[ Beeping ]
Lili: This is the man we're looking for.
Sandoval: You've seen what he can do. If you find him, report it immediately. Take all measures necessary to restrain him. Your objective--
Boone: Objective? You should identify this suspect and monitor his movements until agent Sandoval or I arrive at the scene.
Officer: What if he runs for it?
Sandoval: Do not let the suspect Slip your grasp. Use whatever is necessary to prevent escape.
Bob: All right-- that's it. Let's go!
Sandoval: Don't contradict me again. Ever.
Boone: You know these officers can't stop Ha'gel. If they confront him, they will be killed.
I don't care-- they can slow Ha'gel up and give us time to get to the scene.
They'll be slaughtered!
Zu'or's directive is quite clear, Boone- Destroy Ha'gel, no matter what the cost.
Bob: Why do I get the feeling we're the cheese in this mouse hunt?
Because we are.
You couldn't have sugar-coated that down a bit?
Tell me what you know about Captain Marquette.
She's one of the most capable officers I've ever worked with.
And her commitment to the companions?
Well, she was one of the first shuttle pilots.
I'm familiar with her record. Do you have any knowledge of her beliefs?
No... Why?
No reason-- let's go. Lieutenant... We never had this conversation.
[ No dialogue throughout ]
[ Siren wailing in background ]
Officer Reed: Sergeant...
Sergeant: Call it in; I'll check it out. If he gets in that building, we'll never find him.
All units, the subject Randy Macdonald is at our location. Request immediate backup.
Freeze! Police! Put your hands on the wall where I can see them. Now! Turn around, facing the wall. Rah!
[ Zap ]
[ Zap ]
[ Siren wailing ]
[ Zapping ]
Ahh! [ Gunshots ]
[ Stifled yelling ]
[ Cracking ]
Randy: Ahh!
[ Splat ]
Park: Randy! Listen to me. Randy, you're all right. Randy, listen to me. You're here in our clinic and you're okay.
[ Siren wailing ]
Boone: You okay?
Ha'gel as Reed: I kept firing at him, and he kept coming and coming.
Where'd he go?
Into that door.
You guys seal off the front; we'll go in the back.
Okay? Yeah.
Boone: I need to know what's driving Ha'gel, Da'an.
It's the only way that we're gonna be able to stop him.
Da'an: 10 Million years ago, Ha'gel's species conquered the taelon home planet through a war of genetic assimilation. Using their chameleon powers, they infiltrated the taelon culture and began infecting our race with a genetic virus that would bind our two species for all eternity.
How did you defeat them?
We didn't. The taelon race that you see today is a result of that genetic assimilation.
And now he's here to assimilate the human race.
Zu'or: Is it finally clear to you why Ha'gel must be destroyed? Every species deserves the right to evolve according to the natural laws of the universe, not according to the will of another race.
Will the taelons honour this principle in their dealings with humanity?
Of course.
I'll report back when I know something more.
Da'an: Boone is not so easily deceived, Zu'or. He has an uncanny ability to sense when we are lying to him.
Zu'or: Boone is an implant, and an implant would never question the truthfulness of a taelon's words.
Then why lie to him?
Are you suggesting that I should have told Boone the truth? That it was our race that destroyed Ha'gel's, after they had saved us from extinction?
Sandoval: On what basis did you make the determination that Jonathan Doors should not be moved?
Lili: As a marine, I've been trained in emergency medical procedures.
Beckett: You logged on to this database through your access code?
Lassiter: Yes... Why?
You don't ask the questions, agent. I do. So, this is Captain Chandler-- do you know if Captain Marquette knew him before he stole the shuttle?
Yes, she did, back in the military.
And is it true that he's still a fugitive?
Yes, he is.
What's Marquette's security rating?
Level 5.
And yours?
Level 4.
In the U.K., only companion agents are granted level 5 access.
Commander Boone upgraded captain Marquette's clearance.
Without the approval of a companion?
Da'an approved it.
Boone: You don't remember anything after this tendril grabbed you?
Randy: Nothing-- that's when I woke up here.
Park: He checks out fine. There's nothing in his system to indicate anything's happened.
Boone: Da'an talked about a genetic virus.
Well, there's none that I can detect.
Beckett: I'd thank you for the use of your hat and coat.
Lassiter: I don't know where you think you're going with this, but I trust Captain Marquette with my life.
I'm not interested in your opinion, agent. Only in your ability to follow orders. Understood?
Good-- how long will it take me to get to captain Marquette's office from here?
About 10 minutes.
Here's what I want you to do: 10 Minutes after I leave, I want you to call captain Marquette...
Boone: Okay, take him away.
Park: I don't know what to make of this.
There's nothing to indicate what killed her. The only anomaly is an overload of endorphins in her system.
Endorphins? You mean the chemical the body uses to overcome pain?
Endorphin releases are common in athletes, especially long distance runners... They are also released at the height of sexual activity.
Can someone die from a massive release of endorphins?
Not that I know of.
Lassiter: Captain, let me be the first to congratulate you.
Lili: What do you mean?
Lieutenant Beckett's been in my office all morning going over your record.
Why the congratulations?
She didn't want to tell me, but she finally broke down and said she's decided to support your request.
My request?
To become a companion agent. She's on her way over to tell you right now.
How long ago did she leave?
Just walked out the door.
[ Chestnut buyer ] Thank you.
[ Global blipping ]
Sandoval: Sandoval.
"Reed": I've found something in the alley where we lost the suspect.
What is it?
I don't know-- I've never seen anything like it before. I think you should Come down here. I'll be right there.
[ Beeping ]
[ Zapping ] [ Door whooshing ]
Lili: Beckett lied to Lassiter. She said I requested an appointment as a companion agent.
Doors: But you've already been investigated and cleared.
She couldn't fathom why I didn't want to be an agent. It must have raised her suspicions.
Augur: If she suspects you, it won't be long before she's after Boone.
Doors: Then we have to eliminate Beckett. Contact Boone.
Woman: Mr. Doors, I think you better see this.
Lili: Damn it! I lead her right here.
Doors: No, you did the right thing; we can't risk your capture.
[ Global blipping ]
Boone: Yeah, augur?
Augur: You may want to get over here.
Why, is there a problem with--
[ Snap ]
Doors: She hasn't found anything yet.
Lili: She will.
Then you have no choice.
[ Click, click ]
[ Whoosh ]
[ Torch buzzing ] [ Zapping ]
[ Blipping ]
Sandoval: What made you stay behind Officer?
"Reed": Those men who died were my friends, sir. It could have been me.
All right, give me a hand here-- Aahh! [ Zapping ] [ Crackling ]
Ha'gel as Sandoval: Yes?
Becket: You asked for proof about Marquette-- I've got it. Meet me at St. Michael's.
I'll be right there.
"Sandoval": You're a complicated host, Mr. Sandoval. I wonder what your taelon friends would say if they knew the secrets you keep buried inside?
Female Officer: Hey... Look at that jaybird.
Male Officer: Now what?
Must be a member of the polar bear club. Hey, Adam, lose your fig leaf?
It's Jimmy Reed!
Bob: Just go back there for a second; see if you can...
Reed: I think I told you everything. I'm sorry, sir. The last thing I remember, the perp had me around the throat.
Who could have called agent Sandoval?
Maybe the same guy who stole my uniform.
Beckett: I followed Marquette here and found this. Enough proof for you? Are you not curious as to why a high-tech D.N.A. scanner is here? It's got to be a liberation enclave.
"Sandoval": Must be. That's good work, lieutenant.
"Good work"? I've just uncovered what could be the nerve centre for the liberation movement and you say "good work"?
I'm sorry... Um... Yeah, I've been distracted.
I'll contact Zu'or immediately.
I was wrong about you. I was wrong about a lot of things.
What's going on here, Sandoval?
I'd have preferred the intimacy of your hotel room, but, then again, who am I to question fate?
[ Beckett Chuckling ]
Siobhan... If it wasn't for my CVI, I never would have been able to mask my real feelings for you.
Oh... You wouldn't.
I'm not made of stone.
[ Beckett Giggling ]
What's wrong? You were the one who said I should jump blindly into the void.
Oh, well, yes... But there's a time--
From now on, a part of me... Will always be with you.
[ Whooshing ] [ Whirring ] [ Whoosh ] [ Whooing ]
Lili: It's Ha'gel.
[ Wind whooshing ] [ Zapping ] [ Wind gusting ]
[ Whooshin ] [ Whirring ]
[ snapping ]
Lili: What the hell was that?
Boone: I don't know. Look, as soon as I distract him, get her underground Ha'gel!
[ Zap ] [ Crash ] [ Blast ] [ Whisk ]
[ Zap ]
[ glass shattering ]
[ Blasting ] [ Glass shattering ]
[ Zap ] [ Blast ] [ Zap ]
"Sandoval": Huh!
[ Blasting ] [ Boom ]
Boone: We don't have to do this, Ha'gel! The taelons are my enemy. I'm fighting against them, like you.
Medic: all right let's get her down to the infirmary.
Boone: Ha'gel? I'm coming out! Together, we stand a chance of defeating the taelons. Alone, Ha'gel, We're both doomed to failure.
[ Doors Bang Open]
Boone: Nooo!
[ Blast ]
[ Zap ] [ Whizzing ] [ Blast ]
[ Whoosh ]
[ Sandoval Gasping ]
Lili: Shh...
Bob: It's all right.
Boone: Ha'gel... He could have told us so much.
Lili: Shh, Boone, save your breath.
An officer: no sign of him, captain!
Bob: What do you mean, no sign of him? I saw him-- he was hit.
Then he must have been blown to kingdom come, because he isn't here.
Boone: [ Gasping ] Oh, Katie... Oh, Katie...
Da'an: Our current agenda on earth will lead to the destruction of humanity.
Zu'or: So be it. The only other option is the extinction of the taelon race.
Ha'gel's actions have demonstrated that extinction may be preferable than becoming that which we despise.
The synod will never accept the end of the taelon race as an option.
Qu'on: Our mission on earth will follow its course until the end, whatever the consequences to the taelon race.
Da'an: And... To humanity.
Lili: Boone's touch and go. All we can do now is wait.
Augur: What about Sandoval?
There's no adverse effect from Ha'gel's possession of him, just like the others-- he bought the story about Ha'gel killing Beckett.
Park: She's not out of the woods yet, but her vital signs are strong. Oh, my god, I should've known!
What is it?
Ha'gel's plan. She's pregnant.
[ Monitors bleeping ]
[ Monitor thumping ]
[ Zapping ]
[ Whooshing ]