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Don't get me wrong, my parents really do love each other. They just were not quite ready to be parents. My mom was only 19 years old without much skills to find a job. My dad had a sixth grade education and worked right out of school which was a common thing for people in that country. However, the U.S. had different standards.

Being newlyweds and new parents was an overwhelming thing for them. It can be for anyone in that situation. Then combine that with the fact that they moved to another country, had to live with my great grandmother and a few other relatives under the same roof while trying to raise me. Also add that my mom had a distorted view of family life and my dad had a set idea of what a family is supposed to be. These ideas they had on family life were definitely not the same.

As my mom became pregnant with my sister, my father was working even harder so they could afford a house of their own. My mom was seeing less and less of my dad. She knew the reason why he had to do this, but being very young she also needed him around a lot. She was feeling quite alone, even though surrounded by her family.

My dad was finally able to buy a home. We moved and about the same time the rest of my mom's family went their seperate ways. My grandfather came back into her life and lived not too far away. She let him into her life and gave him another chance at the prodding of my father who believes a family should always stick together no matter what.

As my mom got more and more stuck in the same routine, she was feeling very alone and lonely. She didn't have a clue on how to be a parent. We were driving her nuts. My dad would work long hours and come home tired after we went to sleep. She was starved for attention. Then came the knock on the door.