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Yes! It was the famous trademark knock that comedians joke about. A couple of Jehovah's Witnesses were at the door. My mom heard about Jehovah's Witnesses, but really knew nothing about them. She just assumed it was only another religion.

My mom was really lonely and needed some adult company. She figured, what would be the harm to let in two neat, friendly looking women in to just talk. At least she would have someone on the adult level to chat with for a little bit and finally find out who were these people anyway.

My mom was not raised in any religion in particular. Yes, as a child she did go to church, but it really didn't mean much to her. It was just a place she was dumped in on Sundays so someone, other than her parents, could teach her principles the parents couldn't teach her.

Of course with the first Jehovah's Witness encounter it is the happy and all is well campaign. They wooed her with promise of a paradise on earth. In this new earth, there would be no sickness or death. Everyone would be happy. Everyone would be at peace. You could trust everyone who lived in this paradise. And this promise made by god would come soon. In order to find out about all of god's promises to mankind, she would have to have a bible study with these two ladies. It was free. Not to mention that by studying, her children would be exposed to other children who were great kids.

Okay, here is the formula. A young mother with two little children (I was 2 at the time), a husband who worked a lot, and no role model for a proper family is approached by people who claimed to have the answers from god and it was free and she would have regular companionship with grown people who were god fearing and loving and wanted her to be a part of the family.

I do not blame my mom whatsoever in studying. However, the things they studied put the rest of our lives in fear of life itself.