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Geeb's 69 Grand Prix Story


I first saw this car around the beginning of summer 1998. I had just bought my wife a 1969 Firebird Convertible and my interest in Classic Pontiacs was booming. One day I happened to notice this Grand Prix parked just off the road about 1/4 mile from my house. I never saw the thing driven, even though it did have plates on it, so after a few months I decided to drop in and see if the owner had any interest in selling. After all, with a little research I had found that some of these cars came with 428's, and with a little luck, this might be one of them....and you never know what kind of deal you'll get, so what the heck, right? Well, one day I finally saw the owner outside and stopped and asked about the car. "Not for sale" was the answer I got. He was nice enough, and I talked to him long enough to find out it was a 1969 model "J" 400 automatic.

Turn the clock ahead one year. Well, not exactly. During that year, I got myself so into classic pontiacs that I made up my mind that I had to have one, a 67 GTO, a 70-72 T/A or Formula, maybe a 62 Catalina, or even a 69-70 GP. But no matter what I was going to build a potent 455 to power my beast. So I started searching for a 455 to build up. Eventually I ended up with a complete '76 T/A, which I parted out and got the bill for my 455 down to around $400. Not bad, but not a great deal, and worse yet after you figure the time I had in parting it out. I realize this sounds a bit off topic.....just keep reading...

So now it's late spring / early summer 1999. I'm driving down the road and I see the SAME 69 Grand Prix out by the road with a "For Sale" sign in the window. So I stop again to see what Mr. Wishy-Washy is asking for it. He tells me his asking price, which is a decent deal, but nothing for me to jump right on, for sure. I was just about to leave when he said, "Now that includes the parts car out back too." Ok, I guess I better go "out back" and see what the parts car is, right? Well, it is a '71 Grand Prix, pretty beat up, wrecked in the front end with the interior pretty stripped. He told me he pulled the cruise control and wiring harness and some other things to put in the 69 (Thank goodness he hadn't hacked up the 69 YET). So I was like "oh, ok" and started to walk away. I mean, I assumed this car had no drive train, right? Then I stopped in my tracks, turned around and peeked under the hood that wouldn't open. Hmmmm, there is an engine in there. So of course I asked him what it was and he says...."Ah, its a 455, but it ain't nothing compared to that 400. That 400 is 350 horse but that 455 probably isn't more than 250 horse cuz that was from the smog years." So now the wheels are spinning. I'm thinking...69 GP 400/TH400 plus 455/TH400. Heck, just those two engines and trans are probably worth what he's asking. Still, I couldn't see buying a car that I didn't really need or want, just because it was a good deal in I tried to talk some people I know into buying it.

Then one day when my father-in-law was over visiting I took him down to see the car. While we were there looking at the car, I decided to ask the guy if he'd sell me just the 455/TH400 from the parts car. I figured since he didn't think it was anything to brag about, and he bought the parts car for other parts, maybe he'd bite. He did! "So how much do you want for the engine and trans out of the parts car?" I asked. He thought about it for a minute...........then he says "How 'bout 25 bucks? It aught to be worth at least that in scrap metal." My jaw about dropped. I quickly shook hands and told him it was a deal, but I almost couldn't believe it myself. Six months I spent looking for a 455. Drove 2 states away to pick up a T/A which I had to part out to end up with a $400 455, and the guy 1/4 mile from my house is selling me a 455/TH400 for $25. Holy Crap!

Well now there is the problem that the car is stuck out behind the house and it is muddy spring weather. So we agreed that when the weather was better, he'd pull the car up to the road and I could pull the engine/trans out then. Move ahead 6 months. It's now October and I haven't seen the car up by the road yet, and I'm nervous that if I let it go over winter I'll lose the deal. Meanwhile, I've also reconsidered the 69 Grand Prix. I couldn't convince anyone else to buy it. So I had it in my mind that if I could talk him down $500 from his asking price, I'd close the deal. I didn't want to look too anxious, so I waited until I saw him outside again, and as luck would have it he's out there with a back hoe. So I asked when he planned on getting the parts car out by the road so I could get the engine/trans and he told me my timing couldn't be any better. He is moving his trailer out and getting a new one and re-landscaping, and if the car doesn't come out now it never will. So he said he'd have it out within a week and I could have the whole thing (for $25). OK, cool. That way I don't have to be in any hurry to pull the engine by winter, I've got the whole car and can pull it any time I'm ready. Then, I casually mentioned the 69 and told him that I'd consider buying it, but I can't afford to pay what he's asking, but that I'd pay $500 less. He said he'd think about it and let me know when I get the parts car.

Three days later, the parts car was up by the road.....I stopped by to arrange picking it up and asked about the 69. He said, "If you can come up with $$$$ bucks (my offer) then it's yours." He even threw in the parts car at no extra charge, so I saved my 25 bucks on that one.

So now, after that long winded story, you know how I came to own my 69 Grand Prix.

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This site maintained by Geeb and was last updated on 10/18/1999.