Full Name - Nickolas Gene Carter
Bithdate - January 28th, 1980
Birthplace - Jamestown, New York
Star Sign - Aquarius
Nicknames - Nick, Nicky, Frack, Messy Marvin, Kaos/Chaos, Mr. Hyper Man
Hair - Blond
Eyes - Blue
Height - 6 feet, 1 inch
Family - Dad (Bob), Mom (Jane), Ginger (half sister, 28), BJ (sister, 16), Leslie (sister, 13), Angel (sister, 10), Aaron (brother 10)
Pets - Samson, Pepper, Simba, Mickey, Nicky, Houston, Jordan (all dogs, the last 4 are pugs); Bandit, Sugar, Rocky (cats); Fishtank FULL of goldfish
Cars - A Mercedez, a Corvette, a Pick-Up truck, a Prowler and a Dungaro
Musical Instrument - Drums
Hero - Film Director Ridley Scott
Hobbies - Basketball, Video Games, Scuba Diving, Grid Iron, Baseball, swimming, boating