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I know you guys are sick and tired reading about the channel's history,

what its purpose yada! yada! yada! To make this short and simple, If you

want to meet "friendly" and "cute"(<- I dunno about this J )chat-mates

you are in the right place.


Channel tagalog before was not maintained well until its registration

got suspended and lost in undernet's database. We decided to register

it again because some of the members was not happy about the incident.

We waited for a month or so to see if our 500 lvl channel at that time

will show up and consider registering the channel again. Unfortunatley,

she never came back so bbangel^^ decided to take her place.


Right now, our channel is going smoothly but sometimes people are still

Confuse to some little things; It doesn’t mean that you have to know and

speak tagalog inorder to join our channel. We don’t care what country

or raise you come from just as long you know the universal langunage.

(don’t you guys know that our new manager is a pure Chinese? Yup! Ask her)

If you do want to learn some tagalog some of our "friendly" members will be

very delighted to help you.


So I guess this explain everything. if you have more question to ask just e-mail

us okay J Maraming Salamat Po!