A few words

from the web-master for this site...

that's me at the base of the Statue of Liberty, looking out on Manhattan

Hi there!

My name is Brian Christopher Misiaszek (pronounced mih-SAW-schick).

I am the creator of this unofficial web-site for "I Love A Mystery."

A few of you have been asking some questions about who I am, so I thought I would satisfy this curiosity for the few of you who may be interested.

I am a Canadian MD, and I graduated in 1997. I'm  currently in the 2nd year of my two year Fellowship in Geriatric Medicine at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario.  This fall I finished writing my Royal College written exams in Internal Medicine, after three years of post-graduate training at the University of Western Ontario, in London, Ontario, Canada. This past June I passed my oral exams with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

I am 35 years old, and I am married to a wonderful lady named Caroline, and the two of us have recently celebrated our third wedding anniversary. Caroline is also a physician, and she has just finished her residency in Psychiatry this July in London. She has just started working as a staff Pyschiatrist at McMaster University.

I'm a relative newcomer to the hobby of Old Time Radio (OTR), only becoming more engrossed over the last three or four years. I started off as a collector of those American jack-of-all-fiction magazines called by many, "The Pulps." Too young to be around for the initial "Golden Age of Radio" (felt to be from the mid 1930s to the mid 1950s), I only became interested after a friend of me mailed me a package of pulp magazine inspired recordings of "The Shadow", "The Green Lama", "Doc Savage", and other radio shows to me half way through medical school. There was also couple of shows with the enigmatic title "I Love a Mystery", having even more eerie titles, BURY YOUR DEAD, ARIZONA and THE THING THAT CRIES IN THE NIGHT.

After listening to these two initial "I Love A Mystery" (or ILAM as it is known to its fans) shows, I became hooked! Jack Packard had once been a medical student (as I was at the time), but after a misunderstanding with a girl, he left that career path to lead a life of adventure with his two pals, Doc Long(perhaps the most extroverted and flamboyant of radio personalities), and prim-and-proper Englishman Reggie York.

Hungry for more ILAM stories, I avidly sought out further episodes, only to find just a few other complete ILAMs and just a handful of random individual chapter episodes through various sources and contacts I met and made on the internet. Perplexed at the paucity of circulating ILAM recordings, I did a little research, about ILAM, and came up with some further information on this show, for which there are only a few tantalizing complete stories remaining.

With the advent of the Internet/WWW, and current *Indian Summer* of OTR still going strong, I thought I’d share some of this information and enthusiasm of mine for this wonderful show. Anyone with a love and fondness for wild and woolly 1940s stories set in a shudder pulp vein will love these shows!



P.S. I do read all your comments directed to me in regards to this website, and "I Love A Mystery" in general, and I do try to reply to each and every one of them (though being a very busy and tired resident in Internal Medicine, it may take awhile before you hear from me). I truly do welcome all your feedback. Also, if you have information to share about ILAM (or even more delightfully, knowledge of lost shows!) please don't hesitate to write!

Incidentally, my mailing address is:

Brian Christopher Misiaszek,
7 Patrice Court
Dundas, Ontario.
L9H 5P4

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