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Dead of Night solution
by Steven Taylor

One of my favorite books, this one. Here is a complete solution for it and, as always, I have written it so that even the poorest of initial roles can still get you through to the end (you should be able to complete this with skill of 8-9, stamina 14-18).

Banish Undead
Holy Circle
Speak Demon

Don't worry to much about evil points, this solution guides you through to the end without gaining any!

1 - start
107 - go under cage
126 - ignore taunts
51 - Crowford
353 - go to church
85 - open graves
31 - Banish Undead
277 - ignore this map, it's a trap
148 -
61 - visit Sharleena
214 - be present during summoning
241 - Speak Demon to find Myurr's location (Cragrock Peaks)
161 - oops, it killed Sharleena!
190 - Holy Circle
81 - get out
142 - off again
4 - see what they're up to
134 - perform priest functions
103 - another way to kill him
303 - Calbert dead
136 - go to Astonbury
8 - investigate
42 - trust him, learn name (Samatz)
265 - off again
389 - take boat to Axmoor (-2 gold)
160 - dive in to save boy, trip free (+2 gold)
317 -
236 - accept, get clue (Pyramid of Bones)
381 -
40 - get away
130 -
141 - main door
158 - luck roll
168 - Lucky! (if you failed this roll, you're on your own)
385 - down the hatch
101 - left
309 -
377 - Speak Demon
213 - red dial
272 - time to go
364 - up the ladder
323 - door
191 - grab death stone
69 - automatic (you have no evils points!)
59 - risk saying words
287 - cross +1, Speak Demon +1, Holy Circle +2, red dial +4, 3 vials of holy water +3 = 11 - you should be able to roll 2D6 under 11, but funnier things have happened (+2 current & initial Luck, +1 current & initial Skill)
229 - North road
274 - hide
250 - drop down, ORC DRIVER SKILL 7 STAMINA 7
294 - get advice on Dunningham
240 -
347 - talk to woman
74 or 34 - depends on roll, one thing she says is a lie, the other is the truth
183 - laughter
172 - sneak past
276 - lucky (if you fail, they're not to hard to kill)
313 -
242 - use your password, if its wrong bribe him with all your gold (2D6 under 10 isn't too hard)
209 - right password or successful bribe
128 - search clothing - orc disguise
157 - up ladder
170 - given lantern by fooled orcs
253 -
82 - use lantern to set eye on fire
224 -
66 - courthouse
358 - brush away cobwebs
29 - scales to left (you work this out from whether your password was right or not)
184 -
288 - go inside
267 - sword door
237 - he's wrong!
64 - remember Samatz?
348 - Demon Slaying Sword!!!
98 - Myurr's tower
266 - erase mark
195 -
292 - ignore writing
392 - clattering door
14 - listen
218 - speak to Branner, get his ring (remember in the Background section how you saw a spirit talk to Branner at your brother's funeral?)
199 - circular room
68 - silent room
47 - west
379 - north
124 - east
363 - north
56 - stairs
329 - HORNED SKELETON SKILL 8 STAMINA 14 (you can't avoid this battle)
226 -
398 - go through mirror
273 - go for pyramid
163 - evil=0, automatic success! you have both demon slaying sword and Branner's ring, so Turn to
400 - Hurrah!

There you have it. A path that even the weakest rolls can get you through to the end with. It's easy when you know how.

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