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Tenchi Jeff's Modifications for the Rifts Role-Playing Game

1. After calculating S.D.C. (or in some cases, M.D.C.) of characters, reduce this number by 1/2. This is to make characters more mortal and to avoid rediculously high S.D.C. (or M.D.C.) Generally, the M.D.C. creatures that this is applied to are those that are basic humanoid, and around the same size as humans, up to about 14 fet tall. Beyond that hight you should leave the M.D.C. as it is. Juicers and Crazies do not have their S.D.C./M.D.C. reduced at all and are considered to be superhumans, use what is listed in the books for them.

2. All characters begin with two attacks without any hand to hand training. Hand to hand training ADDS ADDITIONAL attacks, if a person takes hand to hand basic, he would begin with a total of four (4) attacks per melee.

3. Bio-Comp Augmentation (Juicer's) and M.O.M. Conversion (Crazies) are types of human augmentations, not occupational character classess, and should be available for most O.C.C.'s.

4. Unless a weapon description privides specific details on fireing bursts, assume to not be capable of fireing them. "Rate of Fire: Standard" = Same as number of attacks as the user.

5. Reduce the M.D.C. of ALL body armor and Power armor by 1/2.*

6. Power Armor training DOES NOT provide the wearer with additional attacks, instead use the wearer's attacks per melee. P.A. training does provide all the usual bonues to strike, dodge, etc., but not the attacks per melee. *

* if a robot vehicle is under 14 feet tall, then it can be considered power armor, above 14 feet tall and it is considered to be a combat robot vehicle (crv). Body armor CANNOT be worn under power armor.

7. Hand to hand combat training DOES NOT apply to piloting robot vehicles. What does apply is the pilot's two sstarting attacks/actions, and the robot training bonuses and attacks, and P.P. bonuses. This is because piloting a robot is a lot different than fighting in personal hand to hand.

8. Reduce the air speed of all non-jet style aircraft by 1/2. This includes skycyles, aircars, DHT's, hovercylces, and Power Armor.

9. Robotic Strength Table
15 Restrained Punch 6D6 S.D. Normal Punch 1D4 M.D. Power Punch Double Damage
16-20 Restrained Punch 1D6x10 S.D. Normal Punch 1D6 M.D. Power Punch Double Damage
21-25 Restrained Punch 1D4 M.D. Normal Punch 2D6 M.D. Power Punch Double Damage
26-30 Restrained Punch 2D4 M.D. Normal Punch 3D6 M.D. Power Punch Double Damage
31-35 Restrained Punch 2D6 M.D. Normal Punch 4D6 M.D. Power Punch Double Damage
36-40 Restrained Punch 3D4 M.D. Normal Punch 5D6 M.D. Power Punch Double Damage
41-45 Restrained Punch 3D6 M.D. Normal Punch 6D6 M.D. Power Punch Double Damage
51-55 Restrained Punch 4D6 M.D. Normal Punch 1D6x10 M.D. Power Punch Double Damage
55-60 Restrained Punch 1D4x10 M.D. Normal Punch 2D4x10 M.D. Power Punch Double Damage