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VF-1R Series Veritech Transformable Fighters
(Version 1.1 - Last Updated: 01/06/98)
RPG Stats by Paithin (

images/vf1.jpg (72595 bytes)BACKGROUND

The VF-R was designed in 2079 to counter the Mecha of the Neld Fleet.  Durring the Valkrye Restoration Program, enginneers examining Max Sterling's original VF-1J she found that it had been modified, and with the Super VF modifications could actually be more maneuverable than a VAF ! After the Neld fleet aquired anti-stealth, and Shadow technology,integrating it into their own mecha, a new fighter was needed to replace the older VAF and VBF Shadowfighters.  The quick and cheap VF-R series was the ideal solution, and could utilize the new anti-stealth technology.

As the shadowfighters were defeated, they were replaced by young new VF pilots and their new fighters.  But they could not get VF-Rs into service fast enough to hold back the Zentraedi fleet.  Captain Exxegram devised a plan to use the rebuilt SDF-1 and the Macross Cannon-001 (still underconstruction at the time) to scare the Neld fleet off.  The "Minmay Attack defeated the Zentraedi, and the Macross Cannon proved itself a valuable weapon. After the war with the Neld Fleet the R.D.F. evaluated their mecha and decided another major upgrade was in order, this eventually led to the production of the VF-2 Series Valkyries (see Macross II).

The VF-R series Valkyrie was the next evolution in variable fighter designe.  The 1R is basicly a remodeled VF-1, streamiled with a permently attached "backpack" built onto it.  The missile launchers of the "backpack" have been replaced with powerful duel beam cannons simular to the Mauler cannon of the Strile Valkyrie, however the cannons of the VF-1R can only be used in Jet/Gerwalk modes.

The VF-R came froma video game called Macross 2036, it was a sort of sequel to the 1984 movie Super Spacefortess Macross: Do You Remember Love?.  In this game the Neld fleet attacks earth.  One of the main antagonists of the game is a Zentaedi officer named Kamjim. (who never made an apperance in the Macross movie, but played a major part in the Macross show and Robotech).
In the end, the U.N. Spacey defeats them with the Minmay Attack.

Please understand, Macross 2036 is a sequel to the Macross movie.  Macross II is an un-official sequel to the Macross movie.  None of the three have anything to do with the Macross T.V. show or Robotech.

For more info on the Neld Fleet check out the Roycommi Automated Factory Satelite.

Vehicle Types:
VF-1 AR: Standard moded.  Equipped with only one head laser.
VF-1 JR: Officers and Aces model.  Equipped with two head lasers.
VF-1 SR: High ranking officers model.  Equipped with four head lasers.
Class: Tactical Variable Fighter
Manufacturer: Shinsei Industries/O-Tech
Crew: One pilot.


Head Laser(s)            30 each
Head                         75
Main Body                300
Hands (2)                  50 each
Arms (2)                   100 each
Legs & Thrusters (2) 200 each
Wings (2)                  130 each
Top Beam Cannons (2) 75 each
Top Booster Pods (2) 75 each
BC-40 Beam Cannon 100
Reinforced Pilots Compartment 200


1.Destroying the head of the fighter will knock out the mecha's major sensor systems, including all of the optics systems (infrared, nightvision, thermal). Radar and communications will be unaffected.
2.Depleting the MDC of the main body will destroy the mecha. The pilot and cockpit ejection/escape pod will be automatically ejected from the doomed mecha before it explodes by the mecha's main computer.


RUNNING: 65 mph (104.75 km/h) Battroid  - 40 mph (64km) Gerwalk mode.
LEAPING: 25 ft (7.6 m) high or 50 ft (15.2 m) long without thrusters. 80 ft (24.4 m) high or 150 ft (46 m) long with thruster assistance. Thrusters can also be used to slow a fall from any height, but flight in Battroid mode is not possible.
FLYING: Gerwalk mode: Mach one.  Jet mode: Mach 4.8.  Battroid mode: Not possible in atmosphere, mach 2 in space.  All atmosphere flight speeds are doubled in space.


HEIGHT: 45.9ft (14m) Battroid mode.
                  29.6ft (9m) Gerwalk mode.
                  22.3ft (6.79m) Jet
WIDTH: 20ft (6.1m) at shoulders in Battroid
                48ft (14.7m) Gerwalk/Jet wings fully swept.
WEIGHT: 25.25 tons

PHYSICAL STRENGTH: Equal to a P.S. of 50
CARGO: Small compartment behind the pilot's seat..
POWER PLANT: Two Shinsei Industries/Pratt & Whitney/Rolls Royce FF-2002 Fusion Turbine in each leg.
SECONDARY ENGINE: Rocket booster back.


1. DUEL BEAM CANNONS  (2): Located at the front of the top boosters are a pair of beam cannons.  Similar to the older Mauler beam cannon, these cannons are quite powerful.
PRIMARY PURPOSE: Assault/Anti-Mecha
RANGE: 4000 ft (1200m)
DAMAGE: 1D4x10+25 M.D. per cannon (2D4x10+50 M.D. per dual shot!)
RATE OF FIRE: Each of the cannons can be fired three times per melee.
PAYLOAD: Effectivly Unlimited.
2. LASER(S): Mounted on the head in Battroid mode, but located on the underbelly when in Gerwalk and Jet mode.  360 degree rotation.  All models have two attacks per melee or one extended blast.
PRIMARY PURPOSE: Assault/Defence
RANGE: 2000 feet (609 m)
DAMAGE: 2D4 M.D. per laser.  One long extended blast lasts one full melee and does double damage.
PAYLOAD: Effectivly Unlimited.

3. MEDIUM- OR LONG-RANGE MISSILES  The Valkyrie can can be outfitted with  medium- or long-range missiles. Three long-range missiles or nine medium-range missiles can be mounted per wing.
PRIMARY PURPOSE: Assault/Defense
MISSILE TYPES: Any type of Medium Range or Long Range Missile can be used.
RANGE: Varies with missile type.
DAMAGE: Varies with missile type.
RATE OF FIRE: 1 at a time or volleys of up to 6/18 (all) missiles.
PAYLOAD: Up to 6 long-range missiles or 18 medium-range missiles.

4. BC-40 ENERGY BEAM CANNON: This large, sleek gunpod is the predaccessor to the BC-60.  It cannot be ued in Jet mode.
RANGE: 4000 feet (1200 m)
DAMAGE: 6D6 M.D. per blast, or 1D6x10+10 M.D. per three round burst.
RATE OF FIRE: Can fire single blasts or a three round short burst..
PAYLOAD: 40 individual blasts.


+2 attack per melee
+2 to strike
+3 parry
+4 dodge in Battloid, +5 in Gaurdian, +6 in Jet
+3 roll
add one attack per melee at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
+5% piloing skill.

Hand to Hand Combat
Restrained Punch: 2D6 M.D.
Full Strength Punch: 5D6 M.D.
"Booster" Punch: 1D6x10 M.D. (counts as two attacks)
Tear or Pry with Hands: 4D6 M.D.
Kick: 5D6 M.D.
Leap Kick: 1D4x10 M.D.
Body Flip/Throw: 2D6 M.D.
Body Block/Tackle: 3D6 M.D.
Stomp: 3D6 M.D. (only effective against small objects)


Entertainment Bible.51 Macross II.  This is a Japanese book.
Jason Kelly and his Roycommi Automated Factory Satellite page.

Designer Notes:

I copied the format from the Roycommi Automated Factory page, He got the format from Dave Deitrich.
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