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VF -1X Plus Enhanced Valkyrie
Format by Cyclone, info gathered and modified from
Macross Mecha Designes.


The VF-1 Valkyrie is widely regarded as the most popular and historical variable fighter ever made. It is also one of the most prolific. Between 2109 and 2115 over six thousand Valkyries were constructed, and even in 2140 roughly 30% of these fighters still remain in service with reserve fleets, militias, and frontier colonies. In 2125 the Sentinel Alliance UN Spacy military approved a program to update the remaining Valkyries with modern technology. Valkyries that were upgraded were reclassified as VF-1X Plus Enhanced Valkyries.

The main upgrade for the Valkyries consisted of replacing the long-outdated FF-2001 thermonuclear reaction turbine engines with Shinnakasu Heavy Industry/P&W/Rolls Royce FF-2079J engines. These new engines were approximately the same size and weight as the original FF-2001s, but provided far greater thrust and maneuverability. In addition, the FF-2079Js had
much lower fuel requirements than the older engines, so space and weight formerly devoted to fuel could be used for armor
and system improvements. Other improvements include an improved combat computer, heads-up canopy displays, a
redesigned control panel layout, improved radar and sensor systems, and a new series of FAST pack additions (NP-BP-10
and NP-FB-10 FAST weapon modules).

By 2130 almost all VF-1s still in UN Spacy service had been upgraded to VF-1X Plus models. No new VF-1X Plus aircraft
were ever constructedby the UN Spacy; when replacement was necessary it was more cost effective to supply newer variable fighters such as the VF-11 Thunderbolt. The upgrade was only made available to UN Spacy and other military owned VF-1s; fighters that had been sold to private citizens were never upgraded (though high-ranking UN Spacy officers who still retained their original VF-1 fighters were allowed to upgrade them). Many VF-1X fighters still remain in active service with the military; in 2147 two VF-1X Enhanced Valkyrie took part in Operation Orpheus, one of which was personally owned by Captain Maximilan Jenius.

The MDC values should read as:
Head Laser Mounts - 25 each
Head - 50
Arms (2)- 85
Hands (2)- 35 each
Legs/Engine Thrusters (2) - 125 each
Main Body - 225
Pilot's Compartment- 125
Wings (2)- 100 each
**Tail fins (2)- 40 each
GU-11-X Gun Pod- 100


  1.Destroying the head of the fighter will knock out the mecha's major sensor systems, including all of the optics systems
    (infrared, nightvision, thermal). Radar and communications will be unaffected.
  2.Depleting the MDC of the main body will destroy the mecha. The pilot and cockpit section/escape pod will be
    automatically ejected from the doomed mecha before it explodes by the mecha's main computer.


Running, Battloid Configuration:
    100 mph (160 kmph)
Leaping, Battloid Configuration:
    30 ft (9 m) high or 50 ft (15.2 m) long without thrusters.
Flying, Battloid Configuration:
    300 mph (480 kmph) maximum speed limit in an Earth-like atmosphere. Can also hover in place indefinitely.
Flying, Gardian Configuration:
    Mach One (670 mph/1072 kmph) maximum speed limit in an Earth-like atmosphere. Can also hover in place
Flying, Fighter Configuration:
    Mach 3.05+ (2043 mph/1277 kmph) max speed at 10,000 meters or less above sea level. Mach 4.28+ (2868 mph/1793
    kmph) max speed at 10,000-42,000 meters above sea level. Max altitude of 42,000 meters without rocket booster

Fast Pack Boosters and Weapons:

All FAST Packs provide the following bonuses and penalties when equipped unless otherwise noted in their individual


        +1 bonus to dodge in all modes while in space (outside of a planetary atmosphere).
        +20% to maximum speed when flying in a straight line.
        Transatmospheric capabilities; 22 century VFs are able to achieve orbit over an earth-like planet under their
        own power.
        Extra protection; whenever the fighter takes damage roll 1D6. On a result of 1-4 the FAST packs take
        damage before the VF's main body does. Alternatively, if the pilot makes a successful parry roll the FAST
        additions automatically take damage first.


        -1 penalty to dodge while flying in a planetary atmosphere.
        Explosive; unless otherwise noted, a FAST pack will explode violently when its MDC reaches 0. If the
        computer is functioning it will automatically eject the damaged part. If it is not, the pilot has one melee action
        to eject the FAST module before it explodes. Modules that explode do 1D6x100 MD. Deduct damage first
        from the part covered by the FAST pack, and then any remaining damage from the main body of the VF.

NP-BP-10 FAST Packs

In 2125 the UN Spacy approved a program to update the original VF-1 Valkyrie (still in use on frontier worlds, militias, and reserve units) with modern VF technology. The NP-BP-10 FAST packs are part of the upgrade program. Designed specifically for the VF-1X-Plus Valkyrie but compatible with many other VF designs, the new fast packs are armed with redesigned launchers and are more durable and reliable than earlier versions.

    MDC VALUE: 175
            PRIMARY PURPOSE: Assault/Defense
            MISSILE TYPES: Any type of Short Range Missile can be used.
            RANGE: Varies with missile type, typically 5 miles (8 km).
            DAMAGE: Varies with missile type, typically 2D6x10 M.D.
            RATE OF FIRE: Volleys of 1 to 9 missiles.
            PAYLOAD: 27 missiles per launcher, for a total of 54.

NP-AR-01 FAST Missile Launcher Pods

These are the original arm missile pods designed for the VF-1 Valkyrie in 2009. Originally designed to provide extra protection for the arms against possible missile strikes, the missiles were added as an afterthought to give the VF-1 extra punch. Each launcher carried 3 short-range missiles.

    MDC VALUE: 35
            PRIMARY PURPOSE: Assault/Defense
            MISSILE TYPES: Any type of Short Range Missile can be used.
            RANGE: Varies with missile type, typically 2.5 miles (4 km).
            DAMAGE: Varies with missile type, typically 2D6x10 M.D.
            RATE OF FIRE: Can be fired in vollies of 1 or 2 per launcher.
            PAYLOAD: 3 missiles.

NP-FB-10 FAST Weapon Modules

When the VF-1X-Plus upgrade program was implemented in 2125 the need for the original NP-FB-01 propellant tanks decreased due to advances in propulsion technology and fuel efficiency. But instead of eliminating the leg FAST packs they were redesigned to include missiles instead of fuel. The new NP-FB-10 FAST packs contain 20 missiles
that are concealed by armor plates that flip up prior to launch similar to missile launcher designs in newer VFs such as the VF-19 Excalibur. The NP-FB-10 modules do contain fuel, but it is used for the vernier jets only and not by the NP-BP-10 Backpack units.

    MDC VALUE: 65
            PRIMARY PURPOSE: Assault/Defense
            MISSILE TYPES: Any type of Short Range Missile can be used.
            RANGE: Varies with missile type, typically 2.5 miles (4 km).
            DAMAGE: Varies with missile type, typically 2D6x10 M.D.
            RATE OF FIRE: Volleys of 1 to 20 (all) missiles.
            PAYLOAD: 20 missiles per launcher for a total of 40.

Weapon Systems:

1.) JET FIGHTER HIGH POWERED LASERS: Like the original VF-1, the VF-1X plus has lasers built into the nose
        of the fighter.
        PRIMARY PURPOSE: Assault
        SECONDARY PURPOSE: Defence
        RANGE: 4000 feet (1200 m)
        DAMAGE: 1D6x10 M.D. per duel blast.
        RATE OF FIRE: Equal to the pilot's combined number of attacks.
        PAYLOAD: Effectively Unlimited.

2.) HEAD LASERS: Like the original VF-1, the VF-1X plus has lasers mounted on its head. In Gardian and Fighter
        mode these lasers are located on the underbelly of the aircraft. In Battloid mode the lasers hav 360 degree
        rotation. The VF-1X still comes in A, J, and S models, which have 1, 2, and 4 head lasers respectively.
        PRIMARY PURPOSE: Assault/Defense
        SECONDARY PURPOSE: Tool for Cutting
        RANGE: 2000 feet (600 m)
        DAMAGE: 2D6 M.D. per laser (4D6 for J model, 8D6 for S model). One long, extended blast lasts one full melee
        and does double damage, counts as two attacks that melee and can not be used against fast moving/dodging
        RATE OF FIRE: Equal to the pilot's combined number of attacks.
        PAYLOAD: Effectively Unlimited.

3.)GU-11-X 55mm TRI-BARREL GUN POD: Like the Valkyrie itself, the standard issue armament for VF-1 was
    upgraded to take advantage of new technology. The GU-11-X gun pod is actually the prototype design for the
    gun pod used by the VF-11 Thunderbolt. Unlike the original GU-11, the GU-11-X uses clips of ammo.
        PRIMARY PURPOSE: Assault/Defense
        RANGE: 4000 ft (1200 m)
        DAMAGE: Does 5D6 M.D. for a short burst, 1D6x10 M.D. for a long burst, or 2D6x10 M.D. for a full melee
        burst. Bayonet does 1D4x10 M.D. per strike.
        RATE OF FIRE: Equal to the pilot's combined number of attacks.
        PAYLOAD: 400 rounds per clip equals 40 short bursts, 20 long bursts, or 10 full melee bursts. Additional ammo
        clips can be inserted, but exchanging clips requires 2 melee actions. One spare clips is stored in each leg of the

3.)MEDIUM/LONG-RANGE MISSILES: Each wing of the VF-1X Plus has three hardpoints on it for holding missiles
    and other armaments. Each hardpoint can hold one long-range missile or three medium range missiles (and other
    armaments are possible).
        PRIMARY PURPOSE: Assault/Defense
        MISSILE TYPES: Any type of Medium Range or Long Range Missile can be used.
        RANGE: Varies with missile type.
        DAMAGE: Varies with missile type, medium Range typicly do 4D6x10 M.D, Long Range typicly do 6D6x10
        RATE OF FIRE: 1 at a time or volleys of up to 6/18 (all) missiles.
        PAYLOAD: Up to 6 long-range missiles or 18 medium-range missiles.


(All variable fighter pilots can pilot all types of variable fighters at the basic level)

Basic training for non-pilot military personnel.
1 attacks per melee (plus those of the pilot).
Add one additional action/attack at levels three, nine, and fifteen.
+2 to strike.
+1 to parry
+2 to dodge in Battloid mode, +3 in Gardian, +5 in Jet mode.
+1 to roll with a punch or fall with an impact, reducing damage by half.
Critical strike same as pilot's hand-to-hand.
Body block/tackle/ram - 1D6 M.D. plus a 50% chance of knocking an opponent down, causing him to loose initiative and one attack
that melee round.


Advanced training for military pilots and mecha specialists.
2 attacks per melee (plus those of the pilot).
Add one additional action/attack at levels three, six, eleven, and fifteen.
+2 to strike
+2 to parry
+2 to dodge in Battloid mode, +4 in Gardian, +6 in Jet mode.
+3 to roll with a punch or fall with an impact, reducing damage by half.
Critical strike same as pilot's hand-to-hand.
Body block/tackle/ram - 1D6 M.D. plus a 50% chance of knocking an opponent down, causing him to loose initiative and one attack that melee round.

Restrained Punch: 2D4 M.D.
Full Strength Punch: 3D6 M.D.
"Booster" Punch: 6D6 M.D. (counts as two attacks)
Tear or Pry with Hands: 2D6 M.D.
Kick: 3D6 M.D.
Leap Kick: 6D6 M.D.
Body Flip/Throw: 2D4 M.D.
Body Block/Tackle: 2D6 M.D.
Stomp: 2D6 M.D. (only effective against small objects)