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Schmoeville Gazette
Serving greater Schmoeville since 1862

Vol 1......Editor in Chief: Wally Abercrombie...... Janurary 20, 1999

Scandal in Schmoeville?

O'Leary's Cow Starts Fire
An elderly woman, identified as Mrs Mary Margaret O'Leary, formally of Chicago Illinois, reported there was a fire on her property late Monday Night. Apparently O'Learys cow, "Bessy", knocked over a latern in the barn. The fire spread quickly. Flames engulfed the structure within minutes. The elderly woman barely escaped with her life. O'Leary said "I knew I had to git outta thar, but Poor ol' Bessy needed rescu'in'. I tried to git her out, but that dern cow was so scared she almost trampled me ta death!" The fire was contained to the barn, thanks to a quick response by the Schmoeville volunteer Fire Department. O'Leary is planning a free BBQ Beef dinner this Sunday at the Congressional Church.
Rumors rock Schmoeville
Rumors have once again filled the air in Schmoeville. Not since the "Wanted Chicken" caper, has there been such a flood of rumors. According to an anonymous inside source, the Coop & Fowl Detective Agency is investigating a major scandal. The agency has refused a request for an interview, and would not comment on the rumors. Fred Willamucker, a local barber, said he heard it was something to do with "them peaches." The local barber would not comment on anything more that he heard. However it was learned that Fred is hard of hearing. Therefore it is difficult to determine exactly, what it was that he heard.
Woman Sues Beauty Parlor
Sarah Jean Grimsley and Boujangles Beauty Salon & Feed Store will settle their differences in court. Ms Grimsley claims her hairdresser, Ruby McClyde, willfully dyed her hair the wrong color. Sarah Jean stated Ruby's actions were motivated by jealousy. Apparently Ms Grimsley, dated Bernie Zoowhacker, a former lover of McClydes'. When asked to comment, the hairdresser said "This is the most ridiculous thing I ever heard. She (Sarah Jean) came in and asked for a fancy original hairdo for the Square Dance on Saturday night. As for that worthless two-timing good fer nuttin' bum Bernie, she can have him!"
Buy a piece of the moon
Local resident BuBBa Balfordeese announced today, that he was selling lots on the moon. BuBBa claims he has obtained exclusive rights and ownership of the entire moon surface. He is still trying to obtain mineral rights as well. The lots, which are divided into 10 acre parcels, sell for $1,500 each. Mr Balfordeese stated, "This here is a great opp'tunity fer folks ta stake a claim on land which hardly been used!" The newly crowned "Man on the Moon" went on to say, "If'in the world keeps gittin' more pop-lated, thar aint gonna be e'nuff room to plants ya one stalk of corn."