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Schmoeville Gazette
Serving greater Schmoeville since 1862

Vol 1......Editor in Chief: Wally Abercrombie...... Janurary 27, 1999

Mayor releases statement

Mayor releases statment
Mayor Torpedo Joe has released the following statement regarding the ongoing investigation by Coop & Fowl Detective Agency. "As you may well know, this administration has always maintained an open door policy. We feel it is important for our citizens to have complete access to local government. As Mayor, I am greatly concerned with the opinions and concerns of my constituents.   To this end, I have always endevored to meet with our citizens on a one to one basis, as often as possible.   The Mayors office has never had any information, or prior knowledge, of any corrupt or inappropriate behavior of any individual. Nor is it the policy of this office to investigate the backgrounds of our residents. However, should any concerns arise regarding one of my staff members, I would be more than willing to cooperate in any manner necessary."
Mayor Torpedo, Bastard Child
An elderly woman released shocking evidence that Mayor Torpedo Joe is actually her illegitiment son. A woman, known only as Swampwoman, released the information from her Florida home. Although she declined to release the name of the father, it is believed he is from upstate New York. To avoid publicity, the woman had originally stated she found the child being raised by a family of possums and took him in as her own child. She recanted her story late last night, after, over forty years of silence. Sparked by controversy ignited by the ongoing investigation by the Coop & Fowl Detective Agency, the woman gave the reason for the revelation. "I jist wanted to set the record straight, once and fer all! That thar Coop an' Fowl was spreadin' vicious rumors bout me an' my son, and I done had enuff." The Mayors statement regarding the investigation had already been released. When contacted to comment on this new development, the Mayor simply stated, "No comment."
Swampwomans Press Release
Coop Detectives May be Foul
The Coop and Fowl Detective Agency relocated to Schmoeville from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The move reportedly came after several complaints arose about their investigation tatics. The State District Attorney and Attorney General issued seperate statements regarding the Agency late last night. Assistant District Attorney Milly Street stated, " No formal charges have been brought against the Coop and Fowl Detective Agency. However we are working in cooperation with the State Attorney Generals Office to verify the complaints made against the agency." The assistant D.A went on to say, "If any inpropriaties are found, our office will not hesitate to final formal charges." In a seperate statment, a a spokesman for the Attorney General issued the following statement. A complaint has been made, that the Coop and Fowl Detective Agency used illegal wiretaps, as well as ilegal search and seizure of several businesses and residences. The great state of Oklahoma has a zero tolerance regarding this type of behavior by any Law enforcement officials or Agencies. It is the policy of this office to prosecute those individuals to the fullest extent of the law." The management of The Coop and Fowl Detective agency couldn't be reached for comment.
Schmoeville set for Winter Festival
Schmoevilles annual Winter Festival will be held on February 21st and 22nd, the Mayors office announced today. Festivities will include sleigh rides, a snowman building contest, and the ever popular "Hit the Mayor with a snowball" charity event. Food and merchandise booths will also line Main St, offering a variety of treats. Anyone interested in renting booth space should contact Betty Bohopper, at the Schmoeville Chamber of Commerece. Or call 555-9091 for more information.

Feds Lower Intrest Rate
The Federal Government announced the are once again lowering the prime intrest rate. This came as good news for Schmoeville Residents. Due to the lower intrest rate, the town Treasurer announced at the City Council Meeting, that the value of the Schmoe had increased by 10%. Although property values remained the same, buying a home in Schmoeville will be less expensive. With the new interest rate, experts are predicting a 5.5% increase in Schmoevilles population by the year 2001.