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Letters To Editor
Investigation Report

Serving greater Schmoeville since 1862

Vol 1......Editor in Chief: Wally Abercrombie...... February 10, 1999

Indictment Handed Down

Grand Jury Indictment

File Photo

The Grand Jury handed down an indictment against Buforford Balfordese, also known as BuBBa. Judge Willy Hancock made this statement to the press. "The evidence warrants further investigation. Perhaps the most convincing evidence was the photo of Joe Schmoe at Mr Balfordeeses' home". Joe Schmoe was allegedly kidnaped, and fed a steady diet of moonshine. Mr Schmoe is expected to be the prosecutions' star witness. No trial date has been announced. The Grand Jury is expected to start procedings within a few weeks.
F.B.I Hunts Moonshiner
Kansas City KS......The F.B.I has launched a massive hunt for an illegal moonshine operation. K.C News correspondant Betty Boogaloo reported the story earlier this week. "......A Massive hunt has been started in the area of Backwoods Bubbaville known to be the home of one, BUFORD B. BALFORDEESE aka BUBBA! This hunt will be centered on finding and confiscating the moonshine still which Mr. Balfordeese admits to owning!" A spokesman for the F.B.I released the following statement regarding the hunt. "We gonna be on him like a duck on a june bug!"

The correspondant will also be covering the current investigation of the Mayor, and other breaking stories for the K.C. News.

Schmoeville Speedway Opens

The Mayor announced the opening of the Schmoeville Speedway today. The speedway, will host NASCAR and Winston Cup sponsored events. The opening comes as a boost to Schmoeville's lackluster economy. Racing fans from all over are expected to attend the over 25 events already scheduled at the course. Officials are expecting over Twenty-five-thousand racing enthusiests to attend the first season of events. Merchants in Schmoeville are excited about the added revenue the race track will bring to town. In a surprise announcement, the Mayor announced the formation of his own racing team, T.J. Racing Inc. The Mayor will not only act as team owner, but will also be the cars' driver. Word on the street is, the Mayor is quickly becoming the hometown favorite. Mayor Torpedo responded to questions about the timing of the announcement during the investigation. "Schmoevilles economy has been stagnant for too long. It has always been my policy to be proactive when it comes to stimulating the economy of our fair city. The speedway plans have been in the works for some time now, and are finally coming to light."
Rumors Run

More rumors have spread with the breaking news of the recent indictment of BuBBa Balfordeese. Speculation is that the Mayor and Mr Balfordeese may be operating a large scale moonshine operation. Although there has been no formal announcement by officials, or the Coop & Fowl Detective Agency. It is believed however, that the operation spreads from Schmoeville, all the way to Kansas. BuBBA, as he is known in Schmoeville, is formally from southeast Kansas. It is also beleived that the moonshine operation is headquartered somewhere in that area. Whe asked to comment, the Mayor responded, "That's utterly ridiculous!" Other speculation revolves around the investigation by the Coop & Fowl Detective Agency. According to local waitress and part-time psychic , Ms. Harriet Thumwhacker, "I see the Mayor's office, and inside that office I see a large family. A very well organized family. I see the Mayor using his office to further his evil ways." Ms Thumwhacker was unable to continue, citing that she was very tired from her psychic experience. Altough the detective agencies' investigation of the Mayor hasn't turned up any credible evidence, it has created a titlewave of rumors and speculation. It was also learned earlier this morning, that the reward posted for information against the Mayor, was a hoax. Sources reported a man named "Slick Willy" was trying to divert attention away from an investigation against himself.