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Schmoeville Gazette
Serving greater Schmoeville since 1862

Vol 1......Editor in Chief: Wally Abercrombie...... February 1, 1999


Coop & Fowl Responds to article
The Coop & Fowl Detective Agency has responded to the article published in the Janurary 27, 1999 edition of the Schmoeville Gazette. The response is as follows:

"Mayor Uses Press to Shift Focus of Conspiracy. The mayor's office in Schmoeville has released a statement to the local newspaper The Schmoeville Gazette accusing Coop & Fowl Detective Agency of inappropriate and unethical business practices. This is, of course, only the action of a desparate man trying to shift the focus of our investigation of the mayor's office to another subject. We contacted Wally Abercrombie, Editor of the The Schmoeville Gazette who had 'no comment' on the story. We did however, obtain, from confidental sources, the following letter sent from the mayor to the newspaper editor: ...'Remember as Mayor I still have some control over the local newspaper. And you know what they say about the power of the press! hee-hee-hee!.....' With the mayor "controlling" the press, we would not attach very much credibility to stories appearing in the gazette. Citizens of Schmoeville refer to the gazette as the local version of the "National Enquirer".

Our story, which appeared in the Janurary 27, 1999 edition of the Schmoeville Gazette was picked up from the Associated Press. It was not a statement from the Mayor as reported by the Coop & Fowl Detective Agency. Our Newspaper has contacted Officials in Oklahoma, and have verified the story. As for the alleged letter, this newspaper has never received such a letter from the Mayor. Neither the Mayor or his staff have any controling interest in this newspaper or the contents thereof. The Schmoeville Gazette operates under guidelines set forth by the freedom of information act. We publish only those stories which can be verified, and are from creditable sources.

Under the 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, sources of information may be held in strict confidence. If in fact such a letter did exist, (as alleged in the Coop & Fowl's response to our article) the posession of such a letter would be confidential. Therefore, Coop & Fowl Detective Agency would not legally be able to obtain such a document. Futhermore, any allegations as to the integrity of the Schmoeville Gazette or it's employees is unsubstanciated. The commitment of this newspaper and it's employees is, "Reporting the news in a professional and uncomprising manner."