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Investigation Report

In a strange twist in the investigation, the anonymous benefactor offering the reward for information against the mayor, turned out to be a hoax. The man named "Slick Willy" also known as Mr. President was attemping to divert attention away from the current investigation against him.

A secret witness known only as JS, was interviewed for five hours by investigators. Sources stated the witness brought forth "very credible evidence" against the Mayor.

Queen Monica was recently in Schmoeville for the premiere of her new movie, "I wore what you did last summer". When Monica learned of the secret witness in the case, she was very nervous.

The Coop & Fowl Detective Agency is currently investigating the following Schmoeville residents
Mayor Torpedo Joe
Doc BuBBa & Nurse Wannita
The myserious Swampwoman
Maaaaathew & Wilmaaaaa Ramsey

Complete information on the investigation is posted at The Coop & Fowl Detective Agency.