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Letters to the Editor

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Dear Editor,
  I am Betty Boogaloo a correspondent associated with the KANSAS CITY NEWS. This item has come to my attention through the NEWS! I have been assigned to cover the breaking news story of the Schmoeville scandal!!! The KC NEWS informs me that a Massive hunt has been started in the area of _Backwoods Bubbaville_known to be the home of one: BUFORD B. BALFORDEESE aka BUBBA! This hunt will be centered on finding (and confiscating) the MOONSHINE STILL which Mr. Balfordeese admits to owning!!    I am informed that the FBI (hereafter known as "DA FEDS") issued this statement concerning the hunt: "We gonna be on him like a duck on a june bug!"    As you should be informed, ILLEGAL moonshine stills (those not known as feds) are strictly against the law in KANSAS! I will keep you informed in further developments as they become in.
Your truly,
Ms. Betty Boogaloo
Southern Correspondent for the KC NEWS


Dear Editor:
This Hyar Letter is frum Me; swampwoman. I may Be Prejoodissed In This Hyar feeassco,bein as how I am the Mayor's MA BUTT ya'll aint gittin nowhar in this hyar "un-civil persoot" uv our Mayor. Ya causin' strife - 'n yankees 'n Washington riff raff is gittin' involved n turnin' this into a POlitial feeassco! Hyars BuBBA gittin involved in a dispoot over dang RACE CARS n drivers (whut has THAT got to do wit da MAYOR N CHARGES AGIN HIM?) I noes I de new Kid on de block Hyar. BUTT I'se got votes! 'N I sez Dis: IF'N DE DRAWERS DONT FIT -YA CAINT CONVICT!! My Lawyer A. NASH HOLE has conferred (talked to) Da "HEAD BUREAU" in Washington D.C. n has cum to dis hyar conclusion: Aint nuttin' more pitiful dan A village in turmoil! He cites -Washington D.C.(hereafter ferever mor KNOWN AS MONICAVILLE) As A Prime Example!   He has stated that COOP N FOWL det. agency is not as clean as they pertend to be! N they got Drawers in their Dirty Laundry That is Stained Bad Enuff Ta Make da "BLUE DRESS" stains look lak Ice Cream drippins!! So- Due Process fer De MAYOR( bless his little swampheart) Is Overdue! COOP N FOWL shood git ready ta have A Full Feathered TRIAL.(no offense ta Joe SCHMOE) So once n fer all we kin Clear da MAYOR uv de charges agin him.(period) Whut ever day are!? AGAIN I SAY: If'n th DRAWERS dont FIT Ya Caint CONVICT!    

P.S. My Lawyer A. NASH HOLE has Volunteered ta Represent DA MAYOR Torpedo Joe --PRO BONO (n Cher too if'n necessary!!)

Hand writ by:
Miss Swampwoman (A spinster fer Life.)