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Becoming a Resident of


Congratulations! You've taken the first step in becoming a Schmovillite... .umm....Schmoevilleian...well, we haven't quite figured that one out yet!

Each resident will receive:


As a special bonus for becoming a citizen of Schmoeville, we will give you 1 acre of prime real estate to build your home. Customize it any way you like. Even have a private room where guests can visit your Web Site or Home Page! You could call it the Link'in Room! (Get it?....Hee-Hee)


For Census purposes, each resident will count as 100 people. (we get a better tax break from Uncle Sam that way) Therefore, residents receive 100 votes! Resident can cast from one to one hundred votes in every election. Vote both ways, give 100% backing to one candidate or issue. Or even try to manipulate the election by spreading the votes around! It's all up to you! Just don't try to "FIX" the election. The Mayor wouldn't like that!

$1,000,000 SCHMOES

A "Schmoe" is the equivalent of a Dollar. Except they're not interchangeable, and are only good in Schmoeville. The City of Schmoeville, including the Mayor, Councilmembers, Treasurer, cannot guarentee the value or stability of the Schmoe. It just kinda....depends!

Requirements of Becoming a Citizen:

1. Make a name for yourself. It can be a nickname, funny name or almost anything! Just remember, Schmoeville is a Family Oriented Community. You can always use your own name, but come on, get creative!

2. Create an address for your home in Schmoeville (Eample: Mayor Torpedo Joe 3257 Civic Place, Schmoeville U.S.A.)

3. Make a Web Page for your home or property. It can be one page or more! Tell us a little about yourself. If you own rental property, tell use about it, or better yet, show us! Create a storyline with different characters. For example, the local mechanic Harley Bushmill, Roy the Barber, Fred Digginbottoms, the mortician. Schmoeville prides itself on having a diverse population. Get creative! Check out Our City Hall, Or Mayor Torpedo Joes House. That may give you some help!

4. Submit your Web Page to the Mayor. After due consideration (and maybe a few Schmoes...Hee-Hee just kidding) we will add you to our growing Population.

5. Use your Schmoes to by a business, or several businesses. You can even buy rental property, commercial and residential. Maybe a local TV Station is more your style Just remember,the value of Schmoes aren't guarenteed. What ever you have invested could become worthless, or maybe quadruple in value! Of course all unused Schmoes will retain their value. So use them wisely!

To find out what properties are available, and how many Schmoes you'll have to shell out, visit our
Key to Property Symbols Page

Our City Charter is still being revised. So please bear with us. We will have more details as they are finalized. Until then.......let me be the first to welcome you to

If you Have Any Questions, Just Drop the Mayor a Note