Syncer of the Month!!

Here is where we will randomly pick one of the guys to be Syncer of the month. Woohoo!! I know you all want to "giddy up" and see who this month's syncer is.We were gonna pick Lance because he has been sick, but Lance was our last Syncer so we decided to pick......the Crunk Daddy himself!! JRT.

The real reason we picked Justin is because he threatened to run us down on his roller blades if we didn't!!

Justin is awarded this wonderful title because well #1 We couldn't think of anyone else. *j/k*

Ok, we decided to pick Justy because he is such a nice guy, making Busta sleep in a cage and all!! We thought he deserved to be syncer of the month after the presents Busta left for him. So here ya go Justy, enjoy it while it lasts!

Also...on this page we would like to mention an especially LOYAL fan of our page. (Even though we are fairly new and haven't been updating as much as we should...sorry--we have other pages too ya know.) =) So we would like to thank someone each month for that reason!

This month...we would like to thank Willow. She was the first person to recognize all the hard work *yeah ahem cough* that we put into this site!! Thank you so much Willow for our award!!

Ride Em!!
